maporsche wrote:Setanta wrote:The notion to that the possibility of people carrying a concealed weapon reduces the possibility of handgun violence appears to me to be nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of those who favor handgun ownership and the right to carry concealed weapons.
And let's drop the qualifier "handgun" violence. That is not the argument, and yet is a popular tactic of gun banning proponants.
Why should i agree to that? I have specifically stated that i do not support a ban on all firearms, but that i consider the problems which arise from firearms to arise chiefly, almost exclusively, from the proliferation of handguns. Therefore, it is specifically handgun violence with which i am concerned; it is specifically handguns which i think ought to be banned. I have pointed out that i do not see any reason to ban rifles and shotguns, that i see no reason in law or in logic to prohibit the regulation of firearms by the Several States or the Federal government, and finally that i am not so foolish as to believe that handguns
will be banned. So whomever it is that you feel you are arguing with, you are, apparently, not arguing with me.