kickycan wrote:What? That can't be right, can it? I have never heard of it being pronounced "noon."
I hope someone stops by that knows what the deal is here, because that just doesn't sound right.
Wy wrote: And I'm with Kicky (how odd!) -- I never heard it pronounced "noon". Slurred, more like "nowun" maybe.
What kind of a sentence have you heard where it was pronounced "noon"?
Kicky, Wy,
Maybe I made an assumption too large here,
Cycloptichorn wrote:I use it. It certainly is pronounced that way when you are talking.
when Cy said he uses it. Maybe he meant only in writing, for effect. But let's forget about the writing aspect. I'm sure that we're all agreed that 'noone' is not the standard way to spell 'no one'.
Though this is hardly a scientific study, I'd rather hear from others on this before I relate any experience I've had with it.