contrex wrote:JTT wrote:I agree, Contrex. But it's still a future and that future can also be described by <be>, <will> or <present>, right?
Yes but it would sound or look awkward if used indiscriminately. It is a special future usage for special situations.
Certainly there are nuances involved in all language choice. But,
My trip to Scotland is arranged. I go to Edinburgh on Monday, I stay there until Wednesday when I fly to Orkney. I return to London on Friday.
could just as easily be described by, "I will go to Edinburgh..." or "I'm going to go to Edinburgh ..." or "I'm going to Edinburgh ..."
for they too can be used to describe "arranged" future actions.
Why do my words keep disappearing when I place them in these, <>.
I wrote twice containing the words in quotation marks in <>:
I agree, Contrex. But it's still a future and that future can also be described by "be going to + verb", will or "present continuous for the future, right?
And it came out,
I agree, Contrex. But it's still a future and that future can also be described by <be>, <will> or <present>, right?
Do these dohickeys, <>, have a special formatting purpose?