Benjamin Banneker--Born in 1730 in mAryland as a free black. He mastered greek and latin and was fluent in French and GErman. He became one of the most celebrated astronomers of his time. He became a "noodge" to Jefferson reminding him that the Declaration of Independence were just words that belied the "groaning captivity and cruel opression of so many of my brethren"
Bannecker was appointed to the Commission that laid out Washington DC as the capitol
Bannecker, a vocal and devoted advocate of emanciption and racial equality was cited as the proof of racial equality. He was actually more quoted , by antislavery activists abroad
BISHOP ISAAC LANE-was born into slavery in a Tennessee plantation in 1834. Learned to read and write even in defiance of TEnnessee law. As a child , he was promoted as a preacher and, into early adulthood, he was licensed as a Methodist minister. As a "circuit rider" he preached agaionst slavery in the dangerous years just prior to the Civil War. AFter the Civil war when the followers of NAthan Bedford Forrest were trying to silence black preachers who exhortted the govt in support of equality, he was targeted by having his circuit meetings were burned down and he was threatened.
He was elevated to Bishop in 1873where he continued and expanded his message of racial equality. In 1882 he founded LAne College one of the best known church supported Black Colleges . Today LAne College still exists as an accredited institution. He lived till 103 dying in 1937, all the time carrying his message to secure full citizenship for blacks right up until his death.
I have a question.
My great great great uncle was John Brown the abolitionist. of which much has been written about. However there were other sympathizers in my family line (Union side of course) that participated in the underground railroad and transported former slaves to freedom.
My mother said the family owned a river boat called the Misisssippii Queen which was used for this purpose. Research on my part has failed to unearth any information on this. Due to a major fire my grandmother's historical records were reduced to ashes.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get accurate info?
Thanks, Sg