Thanks for the posts, it is very valuable information, and I am learning a lot. Did not know there was this big world of water out there - and I thought routers and switches were vast.
Quote:The questions youve asked need to be answered with some more data, like PH and Specific Conductance .
I was able to get the water reports from the city. THe PH here is 7.09. There is a field in the report called conductivity (not conductance). It reads 1730 umhos/cm.
Quote:the sodium number , as reported is just plain whacky.
I am glad you said that, 44% did not make sense to me either (but then I am an ignoramus). I found another field for Sodium in the reports, this time it says 204 mg/L. Hope it makes more sense than 44%.
At the end of the city report, they focus sodium, sulfate and manganese. with special comments about their high amounts. Those would be
Sodium - 204 mg/l
Sulfate as (So4) - 492 mg/L
Manganese - 1.15 mg/L
I am assuming the softener can handle these three bad guys. I hope..
Quote:My guess is that underground is either an old salt lake
The water formations (aquifers and such) in this area seem to be from glacier melt, sedimented - not that I know what that means.
Great link about the "why" of sliminess of the water. It would be funny if all we needed was to swap to synthetic soap. I think we are going for the 0 gpg softener, assuming it also cleans the three beasts above.