Fri 2 Nov, 2007 07:47 pm
Indulge me!
Summarise in less than 25 words the core message of each presidential candidate - I mean, for those candidates that you can do it for. (Even if it's just for one.)
Mind: not what you think the core substance of the candidate is (eg: Giuliani: "Let's start a war", or Hillary: "Socialism now"). But the core message you see the candidate as having been giving off. What's the message you've gotten from them about why they, and not the others, should be president?
How would you summarise it in a 20-word pitch?
Consider it a game. Also note for which candidates you find the message impossible to pin down or summarise!
Hillary: I can do the job. I'm competent and battle-hardened. I know how this game works and can give the Republicans their what-for.
Edwards: I fight for the common man, the everyday heroes. For worker rights, union rights, the original universal health care plan of the race.
Obama: I'm smart and intelligent. I promise a different, new kind of politics, at once more progressive and sort of bi- or post-partisan.
Something like that. Wanna try?
Clinton: I'm smart, I can survive disgrace and face obstacles, I can handle complex political problems and I'm no extremist.
Obama: This country is ready for a change, and the real change cannot come from an insider. I can bring it without turmoils.
Edwards: (nimh said it better)
Richardson: I adress the fundamentals and am able to change them for the better. I have more electability than any of my party counterparts.
Tancredo: Illegal aliens are the main problem of the US. If we get rid of them, we're set for greatness.
Giuliani: I can guarantee security, freedom, better business opportunities and also get some of the Democratic vote.
[I'll think about the others in the incoming days]
Good ones! Thank you for playing, I hope others will chime in too. It should be interesting too to see how people 'pick up' the candidates' message differently.
nimh wrote:Nobody wants to play?

good idea, nimh.
i'm up for it, but don't have enough time today to give it a proper shot.
should be... uhhh, insightful ?
Nah, just have fun with it :wink:
(by way of bookmark)
Kucinich... "Sure, I saw this one night..."
"...but this is what I see
every night"

Elizabeth Kucinich
Hmm, ok, if you don't mind that my mind has been tuned into more immediate problems... I need a good mental stretch.. and like the idea of getting into a game early on...
Clinton: I'm smart and able to be unabashedly moderate. I'll think things through before I act, and then kick ass, but nicely. Watchout!
Obama: I'm smart and progressive and bring hope. I'm confident where I lack experience. I can do it! Bet on me!
McCain: I'm brave and have backbone and experience leading, unlike the other candidates going back several presidential elections. The buck'll stop with me if I'm elected, whether or not you agree with my stances.
Dumb and Dumber?
That about summarizes all of them.
Hilary- I know I'm vain and I know America will never elect a woman but what the heck-it's a great game to be playing in and getting all this attention.
I would be if you leaned on the same bar I do.
I'll be having one soon with the bookies.
Hillary Clinton 1/2 1/2 1/2 8/13 1/2
Rudolph Giuliani 5 5 9/2 9/2 7/2
Mitt Romney 9 10 7 8 11/2
Barack Obama 9 10 9 8 10
Al Gore 6 16 16 12
Fred Thompson 16 16 20 18
John Edwards 20 25 20 25
Ron Paul 25 16 16 12 14
Ron Paul: Champion of the Constitution.
spendius wrote:I would be if you leaned on the same bar I do.
I'll be having one soon with the bookies.
Bar is an unnecessary element here. We can settle on an amount which ought not to be insignificant for reasons of manliness and make the gentleman's agreement to follow through.
Don't be so naive Bernie. That's a cheap shot with no cost.
I didn't start the betting talk. We have bookies for that. They are anonymous and guaranteed to pay. Imagine a debt of honour from a codger in Oregan from my point of view. 2 gets you 1 in most places on Mrs Clinton becoming Presidentess.
I'm a bit surprised you think a large bet is "manly".
spendius wrote:I'm a bit surprised you think a large bet is "manly".
I don't. And I almost never bet on anything anytime. But you tossed up the certainty re a female president and so I thought I'd needle you on what I consider the foolishness of such a certainty.
I bet on things regularly.
It's the only real way to get to the meat of things.
Opinions are worthless.
I never said anything about certainties.
I think Mrs C will go to 1 to 4. I can wait. I just don't see the ladies of America voting for a competitor to have nicer curtains than they have or the MCPs voting for a lady to tell them what to do. The residue is probably split down the middle and thus of no account.
spendius wrote:I bet on things regularly.
It's the only real way to get to the meat of things.
Opinions are worthless.
I never said anything about certainties.
I think Mrs C will go to 1 to 4. I can wait. I just don't see the ladies of America voting for a competitor to have nicer curtains than they have or the MCPs voting for a lady to tell them what to do. The residue is probably split down the middle and thus of no account.
I have a hard time believing how sexist you are. I'm glad you're part of the generation that will soon be irrelevant, so mine can fix the probelms yours has caused.