Re: Friend or not?
I read your original post about your friend, complaining about her behavior and found nothing so terribly bad that you should end the friendship.
Here, I believe, is the crux of your issue:
bathsheba wrote:I do have a hard time respecting someone who treats people so casually with no regard for their feelings. I thought my friend was a nice person when I met her 10 years ago, but now I realize she wasn't up front with me even about having an affair. She did a really good job covering that up.
You are peeved that your friend didn't share this important item about her life with you, from the beginning. You also have an opinion of how people should treat people. For example, I can understand that you find the arrangement of her being married, separated, and having a boyfriend contrary to the social norm and also very different to how you handle your own intimate relationships. This behavior is not socially acceptable to you.
It is, however, the situation your friend chooses to be in. If she, her husband, or her boyfriend have a problem with their relationship then that is theirs to resolve. You, as her friend, can either be there for her, in friendship, or not. If you insist on judging her (and you are) by your perceived standards of how a person should behave, treat others, live within the confines of a socially acceptable relationship, then maybe it would be best for both her and for you to cool things in your friendship. If you are so bothered by her lifestyle and the resentment builds, then you will destroy the friendship anyway. If you do however want to keep the friendship then talk to her, honestly. Tell her you disapprove of how she handles these two men, let her tell you how she feels and then, let it go.
There is no such thing as a perfect friend. We will always have issues with how other people live their lives when they are different to our own. These opinions are what make life interesting because if we all thought the same and behaved the same, then life would be very boring.