Sat 16 Aug, 2003 12:43 pm
Hi everyone!! How's it goin?
....... I have few questions.... I bet you guys know me already and everything cuz I posted in the past. Now, I'm a little curious
,what are the symptoms of pregnancy? Cuz the thing is I had sexual intercourse like 3 weeks ago ( we used protection of course) but sometimes I feel like a sharp point or slightly pain (is not that painful) in my stomach or/and below the belly button. But I dont have nausea, morning sickness, my breast are not swollen. So what could it be? Am I pregnant? or is it another thing?
Hopefully, I'm going to the doctor on friday, August 22. I am gonna get another type of birth control, what do you suggest? The shot, the pills, or the patch? Though, I'm scared I might be pregnant I hope not... I pray to God I'm not. Anyways, thanks for your help. I appreciated. :wink:
I say let the doc tell you, the patch is what my wife's great for both her and I
Coqui, are you having problems navigating the forum? You seem to be repeating the same questions each time you return to us for a visit.
If you're having trouble locating your posts to read the replies, let us know and we'll help you find them.
NO!! I dont have problem posting my topic... I put it in different places so I can have as many as replies as I can and opinions.
It doesn't sound like you are pregnant. I would maybe take a reliable home pregnancy test for your own peace of mind, and of course, have your doctor check out the pains.
could be gas...try beano..
i HIGHLY doubt your pregnant. do you only get the pain when you are having sex or what? i just went to the emergency room last friday because i had an ovarian cyst that ruptured. and that made my lower stomach hurt too. but sometimes when i had sex but lower stomach hurt, i think its because (i dont mean to be gross) when the guy is getting SO into it, he thrusts as hard as he can... but the result is the pain...i really dont think u are pregnant
My wife had an ovarian cyst burst, they thought it was her pancreas until she had a KAT (sp?) scan. It was extremely painful.
Back to subject, too many times people jump the gun before their due for their period. In 3 weeks of conception, it is WAY too soon to tell, the hormones for prenancy aren't even flowing enough to show up on a urine test. You'll just have to wait and see.