Although I, too, have been on the receiving end of some of Roxy's invective, I can understand where it might become a little tiresome after a while.
Having been in a number of forums over the years, I have to admit that I have seldom found a forum so filled with name calling, vicious attacks on another's character, abject categorization, meanness and simple disregard for civility.
Typically, the moderators try to keep it, at least, a little aboveboard and to the topic, but I don't see that here (as yet).
At the very least, most forums I have been in have the option of an "Ignore" button, which allows one to bypass those who contribute nothing to the discourse and specialize in invective. Sadly, that, too, is missing.
I find it a bit troublesome, when trying to read through a thread, to have to go through six screens of insults and counter insults to get to any meat on a given topic.
Are we so fragmented and distant in political thought in this forum that we cannot refrain from beating each other up?
(My apologies to those in here I have had good discussion and debate with. You know who you are.) :wink: