E.G. was in Japan and brought home a whole bunch of stuff. One thing was this package of lozenges:
Shortly after he got back, I had all the telltale signs of coming down with a cold. Decided that what with the snot those things had to be for colds and took one. Took another for good measure.
Oh my god. Those things WORKED! I know it could well be placebo effect but I wasn't actually expecting anything in particular. Could also be a coincidence.
But I really thought that was that, cold was coming, and then whammo, averted completely.
However, I don't know what the heck I took. (Three total.) I think the flower is echinachea, and some sorts of herbs, but what the heck are those blue bubbly things? Not water...?
So, if anyone knows how to read Japanese, your assistance would be much appreciated.