Quote: What is acceptable proof in a spiritual sense?
is antithetical to this...
Quote:To which I add: Would your standard be practical?
my concept of a "spiritual sense" there is no division between "observer" and "the world". Instead there is only holistic timeless unity.
Such a "Truth" is self evident to me. "Proof" doesn't come into it.
But "practical purposes" implies a dualistic separation of self and world such that that "self" needs to plan and attempt to control its spatio-temporal dealings with an "external reality".
In that sense "truth" is "what works" in facilitating "successful control".
Religionists who claim "spiritual truth" are merely playing with the "control issue" by selectively putting bits of it "in the gift of some divine entity". (whence the "free will" debate) However since such an entity is presumably "outside space and time", it has no
logical connection with the "control issue".
i.e. concepts of "proof" and "evidence" are futile. The "entity" is merely a non-spiritual projection of dualistic thinking.