Butrflynet, dlowan: While it hardly reduces the horror of Napalm (sorry, Mark 77), the definitions seem to point to them not being chemical weapons, which are narrowly defined:
The chemical weapon Convention says chemical weapons contain "toxic chemicals" which it defines as:
Quote:Any chemical which through its chemical action on life processes can cause death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to humans or animals
Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons documents state the following:
Quote:Incendiary agents such as napalm and phosphorus are not considered to be CW agents since they achieve their effect mainly through thermal energy.
So for the purposes of labeling our human-killing devices, these remain thermal and not chemical (the chemicals react with each other and not with their victims directly)
That said, I find it appalling to live in a world where we are awash in "no great way to die" situations. Also, the fact that "the generals love napalm" is revolting, but "understandable" once you reduce humans to red dots on a computer screen, and carnage to "psychological advantage".
Every so often we get a glimpse of inventive devices our dollars (and pounds, and
) are spent on, e.g. Daisy cutters, Moabs
Today we read that $3.6M is budgetted for 1000 more of these Mark77s, these
lovable devices that combine "a mixture of jet fuel and a gelling compound" and in an environmentally friendly way, "the particles of thickener absorb the fuel, expanding until the entire mass is a homogeneous gel as to slow the burning, improve clinging properties, and cause the fuel to rebound off walls and go around corners."
www.chemistry.usna.edu/navapps/PDF/Chemical%20Warfare_v2.pdf )
I'll have to go ask my retired grandfather to explain if all generals love napalms, when they drop them on humans, is it the slow burning, the going around the corners, the clinging? He ought to let me know how can anybody love something this abhorrent
(note: I edited in some references for your perusal)