Halfback wrote:Whichever way it goes, White Gang vs Black or Black Gang vs White, if we are to have "Hate Crimes", it should be applied both ways, or not at all.
The concept of "hate crime" does not simply mean: if a white guy kills a black guy, or vice versa. It's only a hate crime if the one guy killed (beat up, etc) the other
because of his race/religion/etc.
Ergo, some gangster who happened to be white killing a kid that got in his way who happened to be black is not a hate crime. A white guy killing a black kid
because he is black, is a hate crime. The same, of course, vice versa. If a black gangbanger shoots up a white kid just cause he got in the way, it's not a hate crime. If you have a black guy murdering some white kid
because he was white, then it's a hate crime.
There's nothing inherently "arbitrary" here, it's fairly straightforward. And there's also nothing in the hate crime laws that prescribes that it only be used against white people. So you're barking up the wrong tree in your first paragraph here.
As for whether hate crime laws are needed in the first place, let's take a graphic comparative example. In a midsize Southern town, one hypothetical day, two murders take place. In one neighbourhood, some white gangsters rob an innocent black kid and kill him. In another, a lynch mob of white people pursue an innocent black guy because he's dating a white woman, and hang him. An extreme hypothetical example, for sure, but it does bring the point home: would you want the perpetrators of both murders punished equally, or would you want a higher punishment for the latter crime?
Same the other way round, of course. A hypothetical militant revolutionary black group kills an innocent white hostage, versus a black gang rob and kill an innocent white passerby. Wouldnt you want the former to be punished more harshly as a deterrent?