Quote:If you are mocking a name, I'll say, clasp your sweet lips together.
of all the conversations on this board, why does this one have to be serious?
i don't honestly think it's going to have any effect on business what the system is called, do you? so there's no room left for anything much
but jokes, unless some other issue than the name has been mentioned.
p.s. if the name did need fixing, that's an easy "how," just change it to something less obscene. if they want to call it "d.o.n.k.e.y.s.l.a.p.p.e.r." that's fine by me, but it's not a complex issue as far as i can tell...
Quote:Pity the poor SLUT driver who will hear them all over and over again...
excellent point, but it won't wear thin for new riders, which is a good reason to change the name (but still probably not important enough.)