I have only been on a subway recently once, although I rode as a child and teen many times. But I am pretty urban generally, and I go about most of my day talking with all and sundry and am not your usual fearful person. Still, people are attuned to the possibility of being stalked and I repeat my earlier point, which is don't make this chatting up on a subway some kind of routine, especially if there aren't many people around.
I guess I distinguish just talking to someone, when appropriate, and chatting up, coming on, to a lone woman in something of a trapped situation.
No, I am not saying don't talk to anybody, woman or otherwise, as to not "go after" someone.
cavfancier wrote:Slappy is right about one thing, women do tend to read men's body language more than their words, which is why you need to come across as confident but non-threatening, should you decide to follow through on this slightly bizarre fantasy. Why the subway? What's wrong with a club/bar or a singles event?
Question for Slappy: So women read our body language more than our words, and then expect us to actually listen to them....what up wif dat?

There's a lot of people who take the subway, so you'll get to see a variety of women.
I dont' like the club scene, because it's hard to talk to someone when the music is usually loud.
I'm not into looking at singles events since everyone there are single, and I'll feel pressured to talk to people, even if I dont feel like it.
Why not just approach the situation as an opportunity for some small talk. Remark about the weather, the crowded subway, a favorite coffee order from Starbucks, etc. Don't direct the remarks at anyone in particular, just throw it out to the crowd as bait and see if there are any takers willing to start up a conversation.
Do this every day for a couple of weeks and soon you'll notice a group of regulars that you can chat up. After a month or so of doing this, if you find someone you're interested in, offer your phone number and tell them you're interested in pursuing the discussion and would they like to do so over lunch the next day or at dinner.
Let things develop from there. If you run out of topics to talk about, you can always grab one of the topics from these message boards, summarize the issue and responses and ask for the group's opinions.
Stangers actually talk to each other on a subway ?
I don't recommend just talking out loud to no one in particular.
You run the risk of being put in the same league as the guy with the tinfoil hat who pronounces loudly about the recent encounters with aliens.
Besides, Blackie is trying to meet someone, not make friends with a bunch of people. If Blackie sees someone interesting, he ought to make eye contact and say something.
All that can happen is rejection or the best years of your life.