My daughter switched schools, so it was the first day of school all over again. She was anxious and nervous, didn't know anybody and really wished she could have stayed at her old school.
When the door to her classroom opened, and the teacher greeted one
by one while entering the class room, we observed that the teacher was
nervous as well. It must have been his first day too, his hands were
shaking quite a bit when he gave out some paperwork. That broke the
ice for my daughter, she smiled at him sympathetically,
since she understood his trepidation all too well.
Parents were allowed to stay on for a while until they felt, their kids were
comfortable enough, and 10 minutes into the class, one by one (parents)
After school when I picked up my daughter, she was all animated and
bubbly. She's made some new friends, likes all the teachers and is happy
now to be in a new school. This was a big relief for me too!
All in all, it went better than I thought. No tears on either side