littlek wrote:So, I subbed again. Should I assume the principal thinks I am getting paid? Should it be pointed out to him that I am not? Again the .5 hour turned into 1.5 hours.
Well k, when you did substitute teaching before, did you have to sign something at the end of the day to say you'd done a day's work? Or maybe you got a print-out to verify that you'd worked & that you were entitled to pay?
Whatever is the usual thing should apply....
You know, IF you can comfortably fit in a bit of substitute teaching, ASSUMING you're being paid for it, this might be a big help to your meagre finances. Only if this suits you,
of course! But if you are doing
unacknowledged substitute teaching
without pay, then that is quite reprehensible on the part of your principal. You really need to know what's what straight away, before this goes on for too long. This could sour what sounds a very positive experience for you in every other respect. I'd really hate that to happen to you.