Got the second job I interviewed for.
But, this is the student teacher thread. I am done student teaching, so I'll move back over to the other thread I have all about me (geez!).
One final note (or not final, we'll see). This morning there was a goodbye breakfast and a letter writing campaign. The kids all wrote a note to me one one side of a page and some advice on the other side. The letters were then bound into a booklet. I also received a booklet made by the two FriendlyGirls. One girl gave me two $10 gift certificates to a local bookstore and the whole class gave me a $50 pre-paid AmEx card. I got lots of hugs, a few songs and many funny comments. I was given a recipe, even (for pink potatoes). All of the below quotes were written during the day while they were talking to one another and running around. They are generally better writers than this (most of them).
Some advice (unedited):
Quote:"You should hold your temper if you teach a class like us. Were wild!"
"Never not go on a feild trip with you kids. Make sure the feild trip will be sky diving."
"If you want to be a good teacher I have some good advice. First, be resonable (in other words, take it easy). Second, stay calm don't freak out. Third stay happy with what you do."
Some comments:
Quote:"Fail the interview at [the other elementary school] and come back to teach here."
"I'll give you $10 if you stay." (it got up to nearly $200 before the end of the day)
Quote:Yo yo yo Ms B.
Yow ar my BFF
I wrot this song because yrr wiced wicked
think you soud stay here
trust me
I also wrote this song because I wanted to hear slipknot sing this song.
Finally, one from a great writer with very bad spelling:
Quote:Dear Ms. B (name spelled wrong) this song is for you!
OOO Ms. B (spelled wrong) you helped me through fick and thinwith all thous spelling corections. But I cept on trying and you probobly corected me 40079697. Every time you helped me you aded to our frendship and I think you have a big one nowowow! (hoping she meant big FRIEND). Miss B (spelled wrong again, it's been up on the white board all year) you are an ossum teacher an I will realy missed you!