You are sooooo right, Jes. I loved watching the tour. I just discovered that my first cousin lives in Camden Park, California. I don't know if he's alive or dead. He is the last remaining member of my dad's side of the family.
Are we going to stop by the Del, CJ?
Of course we will, Eva. Just got home, so, we're heading for happy hour
in a few minutes...
I know I had lunch at the Valencia once, but also have a memory of sitting in a room much like that patio room, by myself, having a drink. (What drink? I didn't drink much in those days, it might have even been... iced tea. Or something rather daring like a gin and tonic...) Why was I there? Who was I waiting for? Was that the start of my lifelong tendency to go into nice places and check them out? Only the Shadow knows.
Here it is, the historic landmark, where Sally Simpson met Prince Edwards, where "Some like it Hot" was filmed, and where every tourist
has a cup of coffee - the Hotel Del
Here the Crown Room
the Bar
and the inviting pool and beach side
The hotel is old, but the rooms are modern and very comfortable
Close by, you'll find the community of Coronado Cays, where people step
out of their houses and into their boat (well, more like yacht)
A bit north of San Diego, we have our popular Torrey Pines State Park
where people like to hike, jog and stroll around. It's right on the pacific
so a hike down to the water is quite refreshing.
If you're more into flying than hiking, then visit our glider point along
the way
Sorry, the pictures got a bit too big.
When the Beach Boys were singing "Surfin' USA" they made mention of
this beach - Wind 'n Sea.
Here is the picture
and here is the song
Relax, sit back, and enjoy!
This concludes the tour of San Diego.
Aaaaaack, I used to go to church there. The past revisits.
Interesting, much looks the same, or similar, so far. So they've warded off maximization, etc... or it looks so.
Wind and Sea, I remember about it, but never walked it...
Addendum with architectural stuff. A name I used to see a lot, from LA, was Rob Quigley.
Here's a link of interest to me about him -
Rob Wellington Quigley, FAIA
Looks like his firm did the new San Diego main library -

Is that the library? I'll need to look at more photos (eek!)
but I'm more interested in his thinking, as he's sort of a contemporary of mine. More -
More info on Rob Quigley here
Great photos, CJ!
I had almost forgotten how much I liked San Diego. It's been a long time since I've been there.
When were you there, Eva? Not to be nosy, just to get a clue..
You just have to come back, Eva!
osso, the library wasn't built (yet) - not enough money to do so.
Well, from the photo, that seems like a good thing, not to be snide.
Ok, ok, I've been snide.
Perhaps I've not seen enough elevations and perspectives...
Will look around tomorrow for more on SD architecture. Ah, there is Kahn and the Salk. And probably more. I don't have any google bones left in my body tonight.
I've visited San Diego twice. Once as a teenager with my family, and then again in the early '90s. We stayed at the Del for hubby's conference then. I sweettalked them into giving us a primo room on the 2nd floor...just two doors off that gorgeous lobby with the brass elevator.
The first evening after we checked in, we went down to the lobby to ask for something. It was filled with people in furs and expensive jewelry, dressed to the nines. I was mortified. I hadn't packed a single thing I could wear in that crowd! I was afraid I'd have to stay in my room the entire trip! (The next day I found out there had been a wedding there, some lesser European royalty. I was so glad to know that wasn't the usual dress code!)
My husband and I were at an afternoon wedding there, not so elaborate as the one you walked into, Eva. It was all very nice for quite a while, but then it all got sort of weird. The groom disappeared...
We eventually went back to our hotel, not... the Del, but not bad either.
Turns out we heard the groom went off with his buds to do coke and a lot of time passed.
So, now it's, lessee, oh, 25 years later, and those two are still married.
So it goes.
I take every visitor to the Hotel Del, and even the Europeans are impressed by it. Upon walking into the lobby, it gives you this feeling of another era,
of historical importance, and you're right in the midst of it - a true VIP.
The outside patio cafe has on weekends live music and it's so nice to sit
there, sip your drink, enjoy the beautiful scenery, the ambience surrounding the hotel, and the good music. It always is a nice place to visit!
osso, I easily could fill 20 pages with San Diego pictures, but I thought
a few highlights were enough, and we can go on to some other parts of
the United States. Perhaps mismi40 reads this, I'd love to see pictures
of her town in Alabama, as I have never been there.