What, you may ask, is a stoatmobile and why should I care? Well, the stoatmobile is a massive, family-friendly fantasy vehicle which seats all travelers in perfect first-class comfort and expands it's size to accommodate everyone. Each seat is a window seat, and a perpetual supply of Godiva chocolates is at the armrest of all Lady travelers while the gents have a snifter of Cognac (this is the default seat configuration which can be instantly modified as per the wishes of the individual traveler). It is a go-anywhere vehicle, powered by a pair of massive Pratt and Whitney jet engines
which can provide intercontinental travel in the blink of an eye or, they can be throttled down to provide sedate speeds for touring the countryside....all in blissful quiet thanks to space-age sound insulation technologies.
The main attraction of a stoatmobile tour, however, is not the vehicle or the technologies but the tour guides, who take great care to craft vivid, insightful, entertaining and meaningful tours of areas that they live in or places that they are very familiar with. The idea is that participants take turns hosting a tour of their own design, and field questions about sights along the way or the region as a whole from other travelers.
Relevant photos are always welcome, but copy-and-pasting previously published travelogues is angrily frowned upon! The joy of these tours has been in the unique prose provided by the participants, not the generic sort of thing that one finds all too frequently in glossy travel magazines.
If you don't want to be a tour guide, you're still welcome to participate! In previous tours there has been a gourmet kitchen on board where expert chefs have cooked wonderful meals for us along the way, and many travelers have added smaller snippets of valuable information that relate to whatever region we may be in at the time.
So, please feel free to ride along and contribute...past trips have been quite memorable and lets make this a great one!