Tue 14 Aug, 2007 04:27 am
24 years, 6 months, 28 days. Not long until I get the gold watch.
I've had a several different roles and different departments, but all in the one huge plant.
Anyone got longer?
About 5 years, feels like 500years.
Just wondered how many people would employ currants?
6 years, 7 months, 6 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes, 0 seconds...
15 years, turning 65 in Sept. Longest time I have worked for a company.
I've been with myself my entire life.
about 2 years. but i'm planning to stick around for as long as this company's afloat. it became my child, too. it's fun to watch it grow.
5 yrs, 8 mos, 10 dys, 8 hrs and 12 mins as of this post
i'm 30 (31 next 9/4)
8 1/2 years too many.
The first half was okay experience, I guess.
Just under a year. And I'm 44.
i'm 45 in december
my current employer, about 5 years
however the physical building i work in, about 10 years
same job, three different owners, the history is something like this
3 years first owner/employer
2 years second owner/employer
5 years current owner/employer
4 years
11 months
3 weeks
2 days
I live in the land of transition. Isn't it enough I worked 48 years already?
No; but my financial reality is not anything I want to go into here.
I've had enough to do with the giant moving and various other issues. (I'm 65. Before you toss this off, it's sooner than you think).
But - just got the bill - my CA land arch dues are due in late October/with a month or so grace period.... and I haven't gotten my license here in NM, easy enough with money since I am nationally certified, but still, bags of money, since I have to pay that national board too, for getting stuff up to date and transferring info.
Do I want to keep up the license? and which license. Both are good, but I'm watching dollars. The problem is, landarchs take it all very seriously. You can't call yourself that if you don't have a current state license.
Landarchs take it more seriously in CA, not that I know any here. Just that I can't imagine any taking it more seriously.
What do I want? to work as a landarch once in a while if the job interests me, more as a consultant than a major project manager (nuff of that hazzerai).
I have a few months to decide. I may punt, and become a former registered landscape architect.
Intro, potentially, to Osso, landscape artist. Not so far off the mark in any case.
I've taken only one tiny job here, involving a bit of drawing and handwaving. I'm sort of, but not entirely, a fish out of water... the not entirely being that this whole area seems, uh, dummo on drainage and on and on. Not to mention execreble urban planning. But, I don't get everything yet about the "soils", and so on.
Very native oriented. (with the odd other thing).
9 years at this job, been doing this line of work for 21 years and I'm 41.
3 1/2 years as an employee
4 1/2 years off and on (mostly on) as a contractor before that
I'm 48.
Bethie, do you get a party or something for five years next week?
ohhhhhh yeah
I have to put up with the festivities to get the cheque.
14 1/2 years -- best job I ever had. But then, my boss treats me very well :wink: