Re: Is there a slide towards totalatarianism?
Hazlitt wrote:We Liberals are sometimes asking ourselves if there is currently a slide towards totalitarianism in the U.S. Do you think there is such a slide, and if so, what do you see as evidence?
Let's see
As an aid in the discussion I offer the following 6 characteristics of totalatarianism:
1) An official chiliastic ideolog (A dictionary definition of chiliastic is "Belief in Christ's return to earth to reign during the millennium");
While not official, the role that fundamentlist Christains (and radical Zionists) play in setting the Bush agenda is scary '
2) A single political party;
Maybe, maybe not. It seems that a lot of Democrats are scared of Howard Dean's strong run.
3) A centrally directed economy;
4) Party control of mass communication;
Well the power of corporatins cannot be denied, and there are several sites devoted to how them mianstream media has become little more than a mouthpiece for Bush and the War Party.
5) Party control of the military;
I don't know about this one.
6) A secret police.