Good Reporters
Tartarin, I agree that there are many good reporters whose efforts go unsung. I read the Chicago Tribune every day. This is a paper that in the past has been strongly Republican, reflecting the views of the McCormick family who are the big stock holders in the company.
When it comes to endorsements of candidates at election time, the Trib still endorses mostly Republicans, but not all. I'm not sure why, but the paper has become much more centrist in recent years. Probably in an effort to sell more papers.
I am constantly amazed at the quality of the writing in this newspaper. There are a number of writers who have been regularly been printing all the arguments against Bushe's wars, his occupation policies, his medicare "reforms," his transgressions of church state separation, and all the rest of it.
Concluding paragraphs like this are more common in the writing of Kemper, Witt, and Tackett than in the others, as far as I can see. In a recent scathing article about the Bush doctrine of pre-emption, Howard Witt presented all the failures of that doctrine, then, in summary, quoted Danielle Pietke of the American Enterprise Insitute. This quotation took much of the bite out of the article.
Here are the names of a few good writers on the political scene:
Bob Kemper
Howard Witt
Michael Tackett
Michael Killian (also good on culture)
R.C. Longworth
Here for example is a recent article by Bob Kemper,1,992135.story
The title of the article is
Overstatement seen in Bush's case for war
Here is a summarizing quote which apparently comes from a source trying to make Bush look as good as possible considering the constantly building evidence against him:
"A variety of outside experts said the Bush administration, while not intending to mislead the American public, overplayed the hand dealt it by its own intelligence analysts and in some instances may have coerced intelligence officials to focus on information that backed the case for war."
What seemed incongruous to me was that the article presented so much damning information, then the concluding statement failed to make the obvious point that Bush was lying with the intent to deceive.