But you lost me ... what does that person have to do with this bridge?
Anyway, from the video, the way that thing fell... both sides broke free simultaneously... guess my original thought was probably incorrect. I would not rule out terrorism though, domestic or otherwise.
Are you implying I am the infamous bobsal from Abuzz?
Sorry, he predated me there. I've always been cjhsa. First there, then here.
cjhsa wrote:???
Are you implying I am the infamous bobsal from Abuzz?
Of course not ! He has posted on A2K several times, however, but of course under a different name(s).
This is the best single collection of info I've found:
Includes that 65 people are missing.
My mom had some stories about co-workers staying very late last night to both help the people injured on the bridge and to deal with the very sick people who were displaced. The hospitals were placed under code Orange -- a disaster preparedness thing -- which meant lockdown, that people couldn't see their sick loved ones, etc., and just a lot of chaos/ hassles. Sounds like everyone is handling things very well though.
So far she doesn't know anyone who was involved.
Oh man, right after I wrote that got a new email from my mom -- she's become part of the trauma follow-up team. Met with 15 survivors and their families today -- sounds really rough. Not sure if I'm getting into privileged information here so won't quote, but she thought she'd be much more removed than she ended up being.
Oh, dear, what an experience for your mom - and of course the people.
Thanks for the good links, Duck, Parados, Soz.
I'm still finding this story quite difficult.
There are/have been bigger/worse accidents, but this just seems so close, so possible, so very real to my life.
Maybe I'm not as detached as I thought years of dealing with accident 'stuff' had made me.
Yeah, this is by far the closest of any comparable tragedy for me.
I KNOW that bridge. I've gone over it several thousand times, probably. I grew up within a few miles of it. My mom's right there, in several senses. (She works geographically nearby, and the nature of her work puts her in the thick of dealing with the aftermath.) My dad's been driving over it to go to class at the U (no class just now). When I watch videos with helicopter coverage of the site I say stuff like oh, that's where Ingrid and I watched the fireworks that one year. And on and on.
(I know that this is much closer to home for at least parados, though. Not sure how many other Minneapolitans there are on the site.)
Hey, Gus hasn't posted since July 30th. I've always suspected he might live in the Twin Cities.
He's been posting kind of spottily lately anyway.
But now that I've thought of it I'm going to worry until I see him again.
The number of missing has been reduced to 8.
It would be amazing if that turns out to be true.
That would be amazing.
(65 to 8?!!)
8 is still 8 too many, but I sure hope that's true.
It's close to home for everyone. Think about how many bridges you cross over and overpasses you go under on a daily basis, and then think about how many of those are under construction right now during the warm summer months.
OK I've been trying to stay out of the mess on the other thread but cjhsa, you do see that of course it's closer to home for parados than for you, right? If you're saying that you empathize, cool, but if you're saying that the guy who regularly drove over THAT specific bridge and who is still seeing the aftermath first-hand is no closer to the situation than you are, that's... ridiculous.