Wed 1 Aug, 2007 01:15 pm
The A2K Relationships & Marriage Forum has always had threads devoted to Breaking Up and Divorce. Recently two longstanding and respected A2K members have announced that their marriage is ending.
This thread is not intended to side either with the male or the female point of view. Anyone who has survived a divorce--and a number of A2K members have done so--is aware that there is no clear Marquis of Queensbury Code of Civilized Behavior.
Falling in Love has always been glorified in song and story. There are fewer road maps for Falling Out of Love; for transforming a Couple into Two Independent Individuals.
For example: Privacy for Independent Individuals is very different from privacy within a marriage.
Thirty years ago, the First Mr. Noddy felt that since his child support was paying the mortage on the house where I lived with his sons that he was entitled to have access to the house and all its contents (including my desk and bureau drawers) at any hour of the day or night.
Naturally I disagreed.
Does anyone have any suggestions for maintaining privacy while in the middle of a divorce? Or suggestions for any other aspect of becoming Single Again?
This too shall pass.
(whatever "this" may be)
Good point--although some people linger in transistion times for years and years, always blaming the Ex-Spouse for all of life's little problems.