Well that's just RUDE!

Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:41 pm
Specifically, meaning what, exactly?
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 07:37 pm
Just finished reading through and I'm hearing you guys.

I don't really think much of the cel phone thing unless it's someone who's driving or happens to be having a conversation with me. I feel the same as Kicky and others about being left to stand there like a moron!

People beeping their horns at other people to get their attention. They do this often as I'm walking in front of their cars parked in a lot or next to me as I'm walking on the sidewalk. Scares the crap out of me every time.
Some of my cop friends in the states use to do that to me on purpose and it pissed me off.

Car alarms going off everywhere, but usually when I'm walking past it.

My mom eats loud and I've stopped eating with her because of it.

My mom and I also had an arguement a while ago because I confronted her on something that has been bothering me and she was so pissed off that I confronted her (nicely, of course) that she turned things around and made assumptions, instead of hearing me out and maybe having a little understanding.
My mother and I share a home together, which is something we decided to do several years ago because we were both alone (dad died, I was and still am single) and since we both got along well enough, we thought it was a good idea, but now I'm not thinking this anymore.

I never realized how inconsiderate my mom was until my son moved out. I guess I was too busy to notice. <sigh>

Maybe it's time to move on.

Sorry for the rant. I started in one place and strayed somewhere Laughing

But yeah, I hear you guys. My famous last words in this area are "I always treat people the way I like to be treated", and sometimes even better if I'm in a real good mood :-D
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 08:48 pm
Jeez Louise, Montana, you're full of great sig lines... you should add that last one to your other one Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 08:51 pm
Pet peeve of mine: tourists (especially Americans - sorry; but definitely not just Americans), who come to a city like this, sit their prosperous ass in a coffeehouse, dont hesitate to expect that the waiters will know their language (which is fine if it is English, but odd if you're German and a bit absurd if you're French or Italian), and/or come up with a dozen special requests with their orders (a little extra of that, but this only hot, and do you have that to go with it, and no this wont do at all - etc - all the while huffing and puffing if the waitress (who'll be working for some measly 300 bucks a month on 10- or 12-hour days) doesnt meet every single one of their spoiled expectations smilingly.

Give 'em a break already. Take a breather. Relativate yourself a bit. And you know what: if you are friendly and patient and do your own best to make their life a bit easier too, you'll actually be likely to find that grumpy waitress suddenly giving you a warmhearted and grateful service.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 08:54 pm
Well, there is a saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

When I was in Rome, I stood in what I thought was a bank line (back in the eighties, I didn't go into banks the last times I was there). I could have waited all day, people just barged ahead. That was their mode, and the line thing was not.

So all of us carping in aggravation about people darting in front of queues are speaking of our time and place.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 09:12 pm
Well, I was in a queue in Hong Kong while waiting for a subway train. Everyone was well-behaved until the train came at which point I had to fend off elbows, knees, umbrellas, and who knows what else...

I guess you could apply the When in Rome bit there, too, but pushing and shoving isn't quite my style.

Sure gave me a good understanding of their behaviour for when I got home, though.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:42 pm
Mame wrote:
Jeez Louise, Montana, you're full of great sig lines... you should add that last one to your other one Smile

Which one? Laughing This one? "I always treat people the way I like to be treated", and sometimes even better if I'm in a real good mood" :-D
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:54 pm
Yes - I like it Smile
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:00 am
Okie Dokie :-D
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:02 am
What are you doing up at this hour??

(and your sig lines look fab now Smile )
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:04 am

I'm seriously amazed that the hat removal thing is still thought to be rude. It's seems rude to me that a man should have to alter his own fashion or function aestetic on the behalf of another person. That seems rude to me. I have medium length hair, and when I wear a hat, it's because it's a day when I didn't want to have to fix it up all handsome. removing my ha when I come indoors would be embarrassing. Why should I have to endure that feeling for someone else's comfort?

To anyone that might think that I should just not be lazy and make the time to do my hair, I'd remind them of how sexist it would be concidered to tell a woman to freshen up her make-up before going to the grocery store.

Take off my hat?
Only if you take off your make-up.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:21 am
Doesn't bother me if you wear a hat - most men don't wear them anyway, just baseball caps, really. I don't find it the least bit offensive. Same as I don't find wearing white pumps after Labour Day offensive Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:28 am
The hat thing is another that doesn't bother me either. Along with the "which utensil" to use for what thing is something that I don't pay attention too.

I often like eating with my hands, which would probably gross some people out Embarrassed , but I do eat with my mouth closed and don't make noise, so I feel pretty good about that Laughing

I hate spitting, the open mouth nice and wide thing grosses me out, the loud chewing/slirping sounds drive me nuts.

Absolutely hate being put on hold and waiting for appointments I made, which are never on time. I'm one of those in and out people and I can't stand it when other people regard my time as unimportant!

Oh, the "We'll be there between 8am and 5pm" things sends a whole special rage through my blood Evil or Very Mad
Oh yeah, I got nothin at all better to do than to sit around the house for 9 hours waiting for you guys to spend 5 minutes fixing my stove (when I really should have been at work) Rolling Eyes
Then they don't show up!!!!! Pure EVIL, this is!!!! Firing squad for those monsters!!! Laughing

Telemarketers are intruding in my private space (my home) and I don't appreciate that one bit!

People trying to push their religion on others, leans on my nerves.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:29 am
Mame wrote:
Doesn't bother me if you wear a hat - most men don't wear them anyway, just baseball caps, really. I don't find it the least bit offensive. Same as I don't find wearing white pumps after Labour Day offensive Smile

White pumps after Labour Day??? Have you no shame??? Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 12:33 am
Mame wrote:
What are you doing up at this hour??

(and your sig lines look fab now Smile )

I almost missed this post. I'm night owl from way back, Mame. Mom says I was born this way Cool

Thank you for the compliment. You're very kind :-D
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 06:04 am
nimh wrote:
Pet peeve of mine: tourists (especially Americans - sorry; but definitely not just Americans), who come to a city like this, sit their prosperous ass in a coffeehouse, dont hesitate to expect that the waiters will know their language (which is fine if it is English, but odd if you're German and a bit absurd if you're French or Italian), and/or come up with a dozen special requests with their orders (a little extra of that, but this only hot, and do you have that to go with it, and no this wont do at all - etc - all the while huffing and puffing if the waitress (who'll be working for some measly 300 bucks a month on 10- or 12-hour days) doesnt meet every single one of their spoiled expectations smilingly.

Give 'em a break already. Take a breather. Relativate yourself a bit. And you know what: if you are friendly and patient and do your own best to make their life a bit easier too, you'll actually be likely to find that grumpy waitress suddenly giving you a warmhearted and grateful service.
nimh as an American I can tell you that when I went to Europe (Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria) I didn't "expect" anyone to speak English. I felt I was visiting those countries and needed to speak their language. The problem I had was I only had a German/English Dictionary.

So, in Germany I go into this restaurant and guess what? They didn't speak German, they spoke Italian. The menu was in Italian. I tried my best to explain to the waiter what I wanted and he didn't understand me, so he went and got the cook, same thing so they went and got the manager or owner. So, we are all there and I am trying to explain what I want and they have no idea what the heck I am saying and I didn't know what they were saying. We ended up laughing so hard. I ended up pointing at something on the menu (no pictures btw) hoping I would like it. I did. I went back to the same restaurant a couple more times during my stay and every time I walked in the same workers were there and we would end up laughing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 08:22 am
Montana wrote:
The hat thing is another that doesn't bother me either. Along with the "which utensil" to use for what thing is something that I don't pay attention too.

I often like eating with my hands, which would probably gross some people out Embarrassed , but I do eat with my mouth closed and don't make noise, so I feel pretty good about that Laughing

I hate spitting, the open mouth nice and wide thing grosses me out, the loud chewing/slirping sounds drive me nuts.

Absolutely hate being put on hold and waiting for appointments I made, which are never on time. I'm one of those in and out people and I can't stand it when other people regard my time as unimportant!

Oh, the "We'll be there between 8am and 5pm" things sends a whole special rage through my blood Evil or Very Mad
Oh yeah, I got nothin at all better to do than to sit around the house for 9 hours waiting for you guys to spend 5 minutes fixing my stove (when I really should have been at work) Rolling Eyes
Then they don't show up!!!!! Pure EVIL, this is!!!! Firing squad for those monsters!!! Laughing

Telemarketers are intruding in my private space (my home) and I don't appreciate that one bit!

People trying to push their religion on others, leans on my nerves.

Are we twins?

And yes - white pumps after Labour Day are cool in my book. Unfortunately, the only white shoes I own are sneakers and I wear them proudly.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 10:29 am
I think we might be twins, so slap me five, sister Cool

About those white pumps, I actually never even heard that you're not suppose to wear them after Labour Day and I feel so out of touch with the world.

Damn, I don't even have white pumps, but I think I might get a pair just so I can be a brat and wear them after Labour day Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 10:55 am
I live in a small town where people are quite nosy, which doesn't go over too well with me. I'm a private person (maybe not here, but you guys are family in my eyes) and it drives the people around here nut that they don't know my business, no matter how much they try.
Everytime I see someone I know, they always ask personal questions that are totally none of their damn business and it's really getting under my skin. Why can't they see how rude they're being?

They all talk about me like I was some kind of freak because I don't drive my nose in other peoples business and I don't bad mouth everyone and their mother, behind their backs, like they so love to do in this area.
I have to spend thousands of dollars to build fences so my neighbours can stop staring at me everytime I'm out in my yard.
One of my neighbours seems to have this obsession with what I do. I can't do anything new in my yard without her coming over to ask what I'm doing. Everytime I go outside, my neighbours have to come out too to make sure they don't miss anything I might be doing Shocked

I'm remodelling the whole house, inside and out, yet people (moms sisters, cousins, etc) keep coming over to hang around all day, at least 3 days a week all summer long and I can't work that way. Mom doesn't seem to think anything of it, which makes her just as rude as they are, as far as I'm concerned. Ummmm, would you rather have a nice beautiful home, or do you prefer your constant company that's constantly in my way? She doesn't get it Rolling Eyes

People just love wasting my time and it makes my blood boil.

I honestly don't think some people realize how rude they are.
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 11:05 am
I have a great idea! Give the neighbors something to talk about and to be afraid. Make yourself seen running out of the house with some sort of large sharp item like and axe. Make sure you have red paint on blade and it works even better if you have it dripping the paint from the blade. You could even come running out screaming some nonsense like "you get what you deserve you SOB!

Then look around in shock at the neighbors then run back in - make lots of noise. In about 20 minutes come out with a big plastic bag filled and heavy, drag it outside in the back yard. Run back in and carry out a shovel. Start digging a hole and swearing and mumbling and stuff.
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