Well that's just RUDE!

Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 12:44 pm
Heeven wrote:
Noisy chewing is a pet peeve of mine. Chewing with mouth wide open, that slapping slurping noise that can be lessened if the dumb-ass would only chew with his/her mouth closed. It is just plain rude and I always think that their parents never taught them any manners at all. I especially hate gum chewing. It IS possible to chew gum with your mouth closed!

Also, clipping fingernails in public, or cleaning/picking at nails so that there is any kind of clickity-click noise. Absolutely well and truly disgusting. It's like a dripping tap to me. I am driven insane and I have, and will continue to, scream at anyone who does it around me.

You would then love this guy where I used to work. I guess he regularly clipped his nails at his desk - that wasn't bad enough though. When he left the company and some one else moved into his desk they got a horrific site when opening up their new desk - tray load of clipped nails that must have accumulated through the years.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 12:47 pm
kickycan wrote:
Chai wrote:
oh....and sunglasses....I wear them when I'm outside. Unless I walk up to someone to talk, or someone comes up to me. Then, I take them off so they can see my eyes.

I do that.

Another rude behavior concerning cell phones that I absolutely HATE is when you're hanging out with someone and they get a call on their cell phone and proceed to not only take it, but to get into a whole phone conversation while you're standing there like a moron. I have killed people for this before. And I enjoyed it.

Me too! I met a friend in the street and we chatted for a minute or two, her cell rang, she took the call and started to chat to another friend (I presume) so I walked away. She came running after me (cell-phone still to her ear) and asked where I was going. I told her I presumed we were done since she did not tell the caller she would call them back. She looked flabbergasted.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 12:48 pm
Linkat wrote:
Heeven wrote:
Noisy chewing is a pet peeve of mine. Chewing with mouth wide open, that slapping slurping noise that can be lessened if the dumb-ass would only chew with his/her mouth closed. It is just plain rude and I always think that their parents never taught them any manners at all. I especially hate gum chewing. It IS possible to chew gum with your mouth closed!

Also, clipping fingernails in public, or cleaning/picking at nails so that there is any kind of clickity-click noise. Absolutely well and truly disgusting. It's like a dripping tap to me. I am driven insane and I have, and will continue to, scream at anyone who does it around me.

You would then love this guy where I used to work. I guess he regularly clipped his nails at his desk - that wasn't bad enough though. When he left the company and some one else moved into his desk they got a horrific site when opening up their new desk - tray load of clipped nails that must have accumulated through the years.

Aaaaaargh! I am dry-heaving. Ack! I believe that is an offense punishable by death! I now truly understand why human beings kill each other.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 12:50 pm
Hey, that's interesting about sunglasses. I NEED to see eyes + surrounding areas to be able to understand someone, and so I'm especially grateful when someone takes off their sunglasses when I'm talking to 'em. I always feel a little bad about it though, and assume they're doing it just for me, it's nice to know that some people do that just in general (though some people might be doing it just for me...)
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:02 pm
Heeven wrote:
Me too! I met a friend in the street and we chatted for a minute or two, her cell rang, she took the call and started to chat to another friend (I presume) so I walked away. She came running after me (cell-phone still to her ear) and asked where I was going. I told her I presumed we were done since she did not tell the caller she would call them back. She looked flabbergasted.

Same principle with *@#@$$*! call waiting.

It's like all of a sudden you a meaningless because some other person chooses to call, and you can just hang. I don't anymore, I give them a few seconds, then hang up.

Idea You know what would be a good idea?! When someone put you on hold for call waiting....hang up and call them back.

Then, when they say you were just on the other line, you can say "Yeah, but now I'm the other call coming in, so let THEM hang like you were making me."
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Stray Cat
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:10 pm
I have to admit that sometimes, when I'm feeling shy, I tend to hide behind my sunglasses. I don't why, but it feels safe to me. I take them off when I'm indoors though.

As for the other stuff people have mentioned here, I agree there's a general lack of good manners out there. The hat thing -- isn't the purpose of wearing a hat to shield your eyes from the sun -- or keep your head warm in winter? It just seems silly to keep a hat on indoors -- whether you're male or female. It just looks goofy.

I also think talking loudly -- whether your on the phone or not -- is rude. There's such a thing as an "indoor voice."

Actually, I think bad manners goes hand in hand with stupidity. It seems like there are a lot of stupid people out there today. It amazes me that anything ever gets done. And all the stupid people are getting together and having lots of stupid kids. I feel sorry for the world about thirty years from now. Hell, I feel sorry for it now.

Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
The concert I'm going to tonight is indoors, I'll have to make sure I remove my cap and bow at every lass that crosses my path.

Slappy, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Smile
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Dorothy Parker
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:26 pm
Heeven wrote:
Linkat wrote:
Heeven wrote:
Noisy chewing is a pet peeve of mine. Chewing with mouth wide open, that slapping slurping noise that can be lessened if the dumb-ass would only chew with his/her mouth closed. It is just plain rude and I always think that their parents never taught them any manners at all. I especially hate gum chewing. It IS possible to chew gum with your mouth closed!

Also, clipping fingernails in public, or cleaning/picking at nails so that there is any kind of clickity-click noise. Absolutely well and truly disgusting. It's like a dripping tap to me. I am driven insane and I have, and will continue to, scream at anyone who does it around me.

You would then love this guy where I used to work. I guess he regularly clipped his nails at his desk - that wasn't bad enough though. When he left the company and some one else moved into his desk they got a horrific site when opening up their new desk - tray load of clipped nails that must have accumulated through the years.

Aaaaaargh! I am dry-heaving. Ack! I believe that is an offense punishable by death! I now truly understand why human beings kill each other.

Eurgh. Just reminded me of when I worked at a health clinic, the woman who did the bone density scans was sacked and it was my job to clear out her little room. I found a plastic bag full of dirty cheesy tights under her desk. Dirty bitch.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:34 pm
stray cat...a mini rant.

At some point some halfway smart people, who knew about all these little niceities, didn't think it was worth it to teach their kids....

so, their kids ended up being half stupid, and couldn't figure out why sometimes people looked at them strangly.

these half stupid people got together and had pure stupid kids.

They didn't even realize people were looking at them strangely, only that "nobody never treats me like I got any smarts" as they pulled their pants out of the crack of their ass.

within a few generations...stupid people were all walking around saying things into their cell phones like "hey, watcha doin."
"uh...nothing..what r u doin"
"dude, this beyotch is starin at me eavesdropping on our conversation"
"dude, she like needs to get a life"

If someone suggests they close their mouth when they chew, they respond

"that's none of your freakin business. I'm gonna do whatever I want"
Then, they'll pick up the food that's fallen out of their mouths and cram it back into their gaping maw.
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Stray Cat
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:37 pm
Very Happy Sometimes I think society is walking in a circle right back to caveman behavior. Soon we'll just be grunting at each other.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:46 pm
ohh....dorothy...my stomach just flip flopped.

This girl in college once borrowed a pair of my jeans...and apparantly had no intention of giving them back.

I finally went into her room to retrieve them, and saw a leg of them hanging out of her laundry basket.

Apparantly she didn't wear underwear.

I just gagged, threw them back in the basket and gave them up for a lost cause.
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Dorothy Parker
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 01:48 pm
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 02:04 pm
<makes mental note to start wearing underwear more often>
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 02:07 pm

serious for a minute.

I know every generation thinks the next one is cracked...here's what I got when I was 17 or so.

This teacher in high school bemoaned the fact that we had no respect for people due to TV.

She said we had no problem talking over others and interrupting because we had gotten used to talking around and over an inanimate object that didn't care if we were paying attention to it. She said when we got our entertainment from either plays or home made fun, we were aware of how ignoring, interrupting effected others, because, well, they would TELL us.

I think there's a lot of truth in this, and is also part of the reason so many people have this feeling of entitlement. Notice I didn't say ALL of the reason for any of this....or that there had never been people who were rude or felt false entitlement. I just think it's worse now.

Why should I learn manners when it doesn't matter what I do to my computer, DVD, ipod, or the 5000 other things that take priority over a living breathing person?

Now, if we TELL a person they are interrupting us, or drop a door in our face, or put us on terminal hold for their convenience, it may not matter to them, since they can just not deal with people if they don't want to.

Now, manners are called sexist or archaic or just plain silly, and we forget the fact it isn't that hard to have manners, it's just a nice thing to do, and IMO reaps 10 fold on the investment.

I mean, really, is it any skin off your nose to hold a door, use a napkin, or hold a private conversation in a private area?
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 02:07 pm
kickycan wrote:
<makes mental note to start wearing underwear more often>

only if you're borrowing stuff from jaypeedee
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ebrown p
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 02:26 pm
The problem is when parents started teaching kids to be themselves, and to do what is right without caring what others though of them.

That is when society started breaking down for sure.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 02:48 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
The problem is when parents started teaching kids to be themselves, and to do what is right without caring what others though of them.

That is when society started breaking down for sure.

Then, in essence, we agree.

I don't see manners as "rules" that can never be "broken" or amended, but as largely taking the person next to you (figuratively) into consideration.

Not to pick on cool whip, but thinking the example he gave.

It seemed he automatically wanted to jump to the conclusion that someone would be eavesdropping on his conversation. From that I get the impression that "it's all about me, I can talk on the phone, and it's other people problem to block me out. If they can hear me, they're eavesdropping on my important conversation."

me me me....

In reality, people are trying to do their best NOT to pay attention to what's being said.
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ebrown p
Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 03:21 pm
I am not big on social niceties... beyond that is common sense courtesy. I have a full personal life and fairly sucessful professional life without them. I probably wouldn't fit in well with some of the more couth segments of society-- but I tend to gravitate to interesting but down to earth kinds of folk which is fine with me.

In my house, we teach consideration, but beyond that social convention is not very important. My children greet people as they come in the house (this means kisses for older relatives), and I guess this is an expectation we have of them, but no expectation is needed as this is their natural inclination. We do sometimes need to insist appropriate expressions of gratitude when someone does something nice for them. I don't care if they wear a hat, or use the wrong fork.

I also am in favor of directness. If something you do bothers me, I will tell you directly. This is how I was brought up.

This has caused problems with my wifes family who will go through great lengths to get you to not tell you what is bothering them while getting increasingly frustrated that you don't understand.

This leads to a strange social game of charades. I have on occasion been brought aside by a third party to explain why an in-law was upset while I was unaware of any problem. This is a very inefficient way to deal with things.

I believe I am considered rude by some in my wife's family because of my willingness to say what I think.

But I really don't care (seeing as they aren't willing to tell me to my face).
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 03:49 pm
I've been shocked by the behavior of my bf's teenagers. And they can actually be surprisingly nice sometimes, but other times...
Is the inconsistency a teenager thing?
Ugh, and I can say nothing about their behavior...

for example:
We went to a fair with the daughter and a friend of hers. When we saw them again a little later, they were both talking on their cell phones, and not to each other.

Riding in the car, the kids will put their headphones on, not just with us adults, but even when a friend of theirs is in the car and has no headphones of their own.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 04:19 pm
caribou...I think that's just something teens do.

it's an angst filled world.
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Reply Mon 23 Jul, 2007 04:20 pm
Letty wrote:
Setanta, I have always heard that in old Europe, folks would empty their slop jars from the window above. The one on the outside of the sidewalk would take the brunt of it. As for the hat in the house, I think that may have to do with a superstition.

Well, the slop jars and the men taking the brunt surely explains the wearing of the hat OUTSIDE the house! Perhaps it also explains why they were taken off INSIDE?

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