Might try some Simple Green - ti seems to work on a wide variety of stains, and its earth-friendly.
Thanks, snood. Will try it.
Noticed that the tracks cross Urlich at a steep angle. How many times a year does someone not notice that the train is edging in on them?
Joe(I never saw it)Nation
There have been no train/auto collisions there, to my knowledge. Now, a bit further north, in Magnolia, it's a bit different. I recall at least one.
Hey, Betsy was the name of my last car :-D
Kool man!!!
Have you got some decent shades to go with that coolness, edgar?
Hey, edgar, better get some DNA done on them red spots. Ya never know.
I got some swell shades that cover my regular glasses. Makes me more cooler than the Blues Brothers.
cicerone imposter wrote:Hey, edgar, better get some DNA done on them red spots. Ya never know.
They look like rust to me. Mostly, it's grease. Still, it don't look that bad in there.
There's a place in downtown Tomball, has Blues Brothers life size figures out front. Really neato.
Stuck a can of fix-a-flat in the left rear tire, put some brake fluid in the master. I suppose even a Rolls needs maintenance.
edgarblythe wrote:There's a place in downtown Tomball, has Blues Brothers life size figures out front. Really neato.
How did I miss this post? I would love to have one of them Blues Brothers figures. I'd put it in my garden
I intended for the wife and me to get photographed with them, but they suddenly put the figures on top of the front roof, where the weather is taking a visible toll on them already. Grr. Woof.
Got it inspected Thursday. It passed the test, except the parts it didn't. There's twelve days in which to rectify that (fix it, even). I know this mechanic feller what if he can't do it nobody can. Well, off to gas it up this afternoon. Hi yo Betsy. Muy pronto.
Here's some extra parts if you need them
Thanks, BBB. I needed that.
Don't want no mountains on my van
Don't paint no trees just leave it tan - -
I forgot the rest of it.
Got the van fixed up and running fine. Give it a new fan belt and I won't be afraid to drive it anywhere.
Yeah, then you throw on those cool shade and go cruisin