I looooove deviant art, although it IS packed with tweenies and the standard of the work is very low. It isn't meant to be about professional art! It's about community and, to a lesser extent, encouraging beginners and amateurs to continue with their artistic development.


to Portal Star. YOu shouldn't have set up an account without doing basic market research. If you want to sell on dA, market to teenagers, not fine artists. Become a different type of whore AND stop looking down on your potential customers. YOu are so arrogant that i constantly want to kick you in the teeth, which is why i generally avoid the art forum on A2K. Perhaps that's not such a loss, but if your potential consumers have the same feeling towards you, it'll likely effect your chances of them buying your prints.
The idea of making money off deviant art ( without being a webdesigner) seems quite ludicrous. I figured all those extras were just to con inexperienced kids out of their money. SOme of the deviants ( lol, like there's anything even slightly deviant about deviant art) who know their market and have established a fanbase , might manage to make a little, but generally, it doesn't seem worth it. Also, concept is at least as important to the deviants as other the works aesthetic quality. IF you want to succeed at dA, perhaps you should think more about what a 14 year old's concern and interests are. Also, look around more at the favourites, and alter your work to fit the client's tastes. Even then, you aren't likely to earn much money on dA because a) most kids don't have that much money AND b) if you were interested in obtaining prints of dA works, you can print the pieces off dA that are at least as nice using your printer.
I don't think the amount of whoredom it would take to succeed at selling your work on dA is likely to be worth it. Fine art should be sold to people who know what they are looking at, not teenagers looking for a piece that sums up their depression or a pretty girl in a bikini with a small animal and breasts at least 3 times the size of her head.