Sat 30 Apr, 2005 11:34 am
What is deviant art exactly? I have visited a few deviant art forums, and most of their art looks like regular art. So, why call it deviant?
I am not clear on what Deviant Art is either, Angelique, or if it is a commonly known category.
Here's a link to an a2k thread on Outsider Art -
'Deviant Art' is merely a website used for hosting artwork.
Thanks Ossobuco, I will check out the website.
I see Santuary. Why call it deviant art then?
AngeliqueEast wrote:Thanks Ossobuco, I will check out the website.
I see Santuary. Why call it deviant art then?
They just mean "this is my collection of deviant art," as in, this is the stuff I host at
Deviant Art, I would assume.
Deviant Art originally started out as a place for 'freaks' to show their stuff, hence 'deviant'.
I fixed the link, Angelique - it was too long earlier.
Yeah i used to be into designing using photoshop and 3dsm. Deviant art is a huge website to get your artwork out there. Im not sure where the name came from. Prolly a vote or in some cases websites have totally random names just kids like certain names and run with it. I used to do a lot of designing on a web page known as ravedesigns. Other good art websites are Frost factor and
I see Discreet, thank you.
"Deviant" art might be a synonym for "outsider" art, OR it might be a residuum from the days of "avante garde" art, where "real" or "significant" artists were considered to be those who were expanding into the realm of the new. They were, by definition, deviant and revolutionary. Just a speculation.
Re: Deviant Art
AngeliqueEast wrote: I have visited a few deviant art forums
could you give me some links, please
One may be ? :wink:
Glad to Filipe. I only saved this one;
But, all you have to do is write Deviant Art in the browser and you can get more. If I find more I will post them k.
Deviant Art
Here is another one I just found. This one is a little more interesting.

Well I think it's not a genre or movement but could have been created especially for JLNobody.
This "Deviant" art is really best characterized as cartoons or illustratiolns, pictures of self-conscious adolescent attempts to be "freaky." Not at all like "outsider art" which is often legitimate art. Too bad Kayla Grace is not here to comment on this topic.
Hi, Lightwizard. Long time. Was your last post intended to follow mine? I miss its point. To me examples of deviants of REAL art would be Cezanne, Manet, Duchamp, Rousseau, Blake, even Pollock. But not these cartoonists. There is a fine line, I suppose, between orginal and deviant. And not all deviant artists are great, just as not all non-deviant artists are uncreative.
I was poking fun, you deviant, you.
"Deviant Art" has sinister connotations for me. When I see the phrase, I can't help but think of Nazis burning piles of modern art in the 1930's.
It also strikes me that a (perhaps, THE) major purpose of art is to deviate from what has come before; as JL was suggesting, our greatest artists may be the greatest deviators from the status quo, from the academic vision. This quality upset the Nazis, who wanted a predictable style that lauded the state.
For work by the self-taught and the isolated, I much prefer the term "Outsider Art," even though it is a bit imprecise. The term "Deviant Art," for me, has dark connotations.
I agree, Miklos. Did the Nazis not refer to the work of German Expressionism as Degenerate Art?