Hello, I'm looking for a complete formal grammar definition of the English language for a program I'm writing to communicate in English.
This is the best website I could find, and the definitions I get from here are pretty good as you can see, but incomplete...I would like to find a more complete/official one.
<sentence> =
<simple_sentence> |
<simple_sentence> =
<declarative_sentence> |
<interrogative_sentence> |
<compound_sentence> =
<simple_sentence> <conjunction> <simple_sentence> |
"Either" <declarative_sentence> "or" <declarative_sentence> |
"Either" <imperative_sentence> "or" <imperative_sentence>
<declarative_sentence> = <subject> <predicate>
<subject> = <simple_subject> | <compound_subject>
<simple_subject> = <noun_phrase> | <nominative_personal_pronoun>
<noun phrase> =
<"the"> <specific proper noun> |
<proper noun> |
<non-personal pronoun> |
<article> [<adverb>* <adjective>] <noun> |
[<adverb>* <adjective>] <noun-plural> |
<proper noun-possessive> [<adverb>* <adjective>] <noun> |
<personal possessive adjective> [<adverb>* <adjective>] <noun> |
<article> <common noun-possessive>
[<adverb>* <adjective>] <noun>
<compound subject> =
<simple subject> ("and" | "or") <simple subject> |
"Either" <simple subject> "or" <simple subject> |
"Neither" <simple subject> "nor" <simple subject>
<predicate> = (<verb> | <verb_phrase>) <complement>
<pronoun> = <demonstrative_pronoun> |
<interrogative_pronoun> |
<relative_pronoun> |
<indefinite_pronoun> |
<verb> = <V1s> |<V2s> |<V3s> |
<V1p> |<V2p> |<V3p> |
<Vpast> |<linking verb>
<linking verb> = "am" |"are" |"is" | "was"| "were" |
"look" | "looks" | "looked" |
"become" | "became" | "become" | ...
<verb phrase> =
("had" |"have" |"has") <Vpastp> |
("had" |"have" |"has") "been" [<Vpastp> | <Ving>] |
<auxV> "have" <Vpastp> |
<auxV> "have" "been" [<Vpastp> | <Ving>] |
<auxV> "be" [<Vpastp> | <Ving>] |
<auxV> <Vinf> |
"ought" "to" <Vinf> |
"ought" "to" "be" [<Vpastp> | <Ving>] |
"ought" "to" "have" <Vpastp> |
"ought" "to" "have" "been" [<Vpastp> | <Ving>] |
("do" |"does" |"did") [<Vinf>] |
("am" |"are" |"is" |"was" |"were") [<Vpastp> | <Ving>] |
("am" |"are" |"is" |"was" |"were") "being" [<Vpastp>] |
("am" |"are" |"is" |"was" |"were") "going" "to" [<Vinf>]
<complement> =
[[<indirect object>] <object>] |
[<adverb>* <adjective>] |
[<prep phr>*] |
["to" <Vinf> [<object>]] |
<indirect object> = <object> =
<simple object> | <compound object>
<simple object> = <noun phrase> |
<objective personal pronoun>
<compound object> =
<simple object> ("and" | "or") <simple object>
<Interrogative Sentence> =
<Declarative Sentence>"?"
<Imperative Sentence> = <verb> <complement>