Thu 21 Apr, 2011 10:52 am - I was taught that a comma — or a dash — belongs on both sides of a parenthetical phrase. To figure out if a phrase is parenthetical, take it out. Does the sentence still make sense?... (view)
Wed 23 Feb, 2011 02:07 pm - A quick Google sez yes, but they're different now; plastic and ziptie-type front cinch, no key needed.
You can apparently still buy old ones, tho. Probly need new leather straps... (view)
Wed 23 Feb, 2011 02:01 pm - It's "legalese"... language written specifically to try to cover all potential circumstances and close any loopholes. Whether it actually does or not varies with the document.... (view)
Wed 23 Feb, 2011 01:55 pm - If you like, you could say "Heavenly Sword, Dragon-Slaying Saber". That conveys the idea that there are two items being spoken about, without adding another word. (view)
Wed 13 Jan, 2010 04:15 pm - The toe of this shoe is open. The toe of that shoe is closed. The shoes are closed-toe.
How else? Close-toed is like close-minded... unless you mean close-as-in-nearby, it's wrong! (view)
Thu 17 Dec, 2009 08:27 pm - Hi Seed,
I've been a fulltime community college student for the past year, studying to get a Certificate in Website Design. Here are some thoughts and resources for you.
A website is a... (view)
Thu 17 Dec, 2009 08:13 pm - Yes. And the chocolate cake batter. And a homemade eggnog. (Egg, milk, sugar, nutmeg or cinnamon, blender/mixer/fork, drink up!) The problem isn't in the raw egg itself, it's salmonella... (view)