I am a WW II combat veteran. I like to discuss current events and politics. My hobbies consist mainly of woodwork and flying. I have a nice woodshop and make furniture and other items for family use. I have about 7,000 hours in many types of planes. I am still an active pilot.I like to travel the US, Canada and Mexico in my plane. I also have made several trips to my favorite places in the South Pacific, by commercial airlines.
Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:47 am - This is an itemized account of exactly what I did on one recent Sunday cross country ski trip in the mountains of Idaho.
1- My partner and I loaded our skis and backpacks into my airplane.
2- We... (view)
Fri 31 Mar, 2006 10:22 am - If I listed all of my detailed experiences, it would take a thick book.
For example: In a four hour period last Saturday the following occurred:
I flew my Cessna float plane into a remote Idaho... (view)
Thu 30 Mar, 2006 09:15 am - I have done so many things that I am too worn out to talk about them. I haven't gone to the Space Station, and would like to. <]:o) (view)
Sat 25 Mar, 2006 09:48 am - Solo
By Clyde Edgerton
My advertures in the air.
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.
Back to the basics, through the AF Training Base at Laredo Texas and through combat training. It brings back... (view)
Sat 25 Mar, 2006 09:19 am - I only read books that dovetail into my life style. I live along with the author as the pages turn from one to the next. I remember them all, but sometimes re-read them. Being an engineer, I have... (view)
Mon 20 Mar, 2006 09:20 am - My main interest was the special effects. It is amazing how advanced they were in that era of movie making. Many of the scenes were put together with several shots. The ones with the big fires in... (view)
Mon 20 Mar, 2006 08:59 am - I finally bought Gone With The Wind. I have never had the patience to sit through all four hours at once. Now, I will watch a half hour or fortyfive minutes at a time and enjoy it. The pieces I... (view)
Fri 17 Mar, 2006 11:19 am - I don't know of any instances when the wrong material was running through a pipe. I do remember working on a project that involved routing many pipes through a factory. One pipe started at the... (view)
Thu 16 Mar, 2006 11:40 am - Does anyone remember the Lum and Abner radio show? They ran the Jottum Down Store. Usually opened with one of them saying "Wonderful World". (view)