Yeah, different guys. Funny to still 'see' them squabbling in a friendly way on FB on occasion (can I remember which account I see them through? no)
I was thinking the other day that I haven't seen Robert around in a long time. I'm sure he's very busy but I would have LOVED to hear his opinions on some of the education topics.
Steissd. I miss Gus and Lord Ellpus.
@Merry Andrew,
Used to have lots of fun with pueo and debacle....sigh....
I so hoped he'd come to a2k
Yeah, sometimes I use "Goodnight Pueo" as a sign off thread just to tantalize people.
Shouldn't you be getting some sleep, Ms dlowan? It must be midnight in NY, and you do have a plane to catch.
He's been on Facebook and Twitter -- playing a lot of poker.
Debacle, Lord Ellpus, Stoat. An early poster from the Los Angeles area, Fealola.
Clary. A lady from California that moved to Oklahoma, something like LadyJane.
I liked Kitchen Pete, who just disappeared one day. Think he was very busy in whatever business he had. Gautam/Prince, that truant! Laekner Scrat, for sure.
Touissant, the french lady who knew so much about old books. Vincent, who only made one post that I know of on a2k after abuzz. Lois Lane. Oh, a friend of mine, not that the others weren't, but I'm blanking on her screen name, dammit. Lives in Texas, terrific artist, politically tuned, last but not least, a corgi treasurer. Ah, I remember, her last screen name was Tartarin. PDiddy. Blatham and Lola. A witty woman, friend of Roberta's, I even met her and am forgetting her screen name (might start with B), though I remember her real first name.
Well, that's a start.
Who was that Dutch gal on Abuzz? The one with the rampant agoraphobia, the one who always remembered everyone's b'day and would start a threadon the appropriate day?
@Merry Andrew,
Starts with C, something like Carrie, but not Carrie. Corrie?
The fellow who had a lot of trouble seeing the screen but kept trying, Milton(?) Another with a vision problem advancing fast, Dreamsicle or Dream something.
@Merry Andrew,
Oh, that was Temper. She was actually getting out the last time I heard from her, and even made a trip to Austria to visit Ulschmidt and (I believe) Reinart or something like that. I'll pm you with her real name.
roger... that rat guy. I havn't heard from him for a while.
Oh good! Ignored by another Australian.
I miss LightWizard. He's busy posting on FB but I hardly ever visit my account there. I much, much prefer the easy cameraderie here, trolls and idiots and all.
I forgot to mention Tico. Not Ticomaya, oft called Tico, but the lady from Canada who was, I think, an interior designer who was studying flower arrangement and the business elements that went with it.
D'artagnan & Piffka are 2 that are on my Follow list.
hoping they come back...
@Region Philbis,
Good idea.
(if only I'd look at My Friends pages)
mmm, Aquiunk..