Fri 25 Mar, 2016 03:42 am - We are dating for almost year already and everything seems to be good. However, I feel that is not my type pf person. I don't see her in the future(( I don't want to hurt her. What to do?... (view)
Fri 25 Mar, 2016 03:34 am - the topic of the essay is so personal. My advice is to think about you feelings and try to write it down. That's how it work! (view)
Fri 25 Mar, 2016 03:24 am - I think, both. In requirements, it is said that student should show his ability to use clear argumenta-tion and express his though. Additionally, as far as I understand, writing sample should... (view)
Fri 25 Mar, 2016 03:21 am - In Christianity, as far as I know, was not tradition to burn corps. Cremation came from Induism and Zoroastrism . So, I think, it burial. (view)
Tue 22 Mar, 2016 03:15 am - hmm
I actually don't understand what do you mean under "Is it ashes to ashes, or is it dust unto dust?". Could you specify your question, please? (view)
Tue 22 Mar, 2016 03:13 am - I am applying to Master's program in Development Studies. One of the requiremens is to provide a writing sample. What do you think, is it possible to provide a piece of my recent coursework or... (view)
Tue 22 Mar, 2016 03:10 am - I am not an expert on this topic, but I am interested in Urban Stdies and architecture.
What would I recommend you, is to pay your attention to some buildings in China. In particular to The Bund,... (view)
Tue 16 Feb, 2016 05:50 am - Hi all ,
Quick question, i am thinking of starting an accounts and tax business but am not aat qualified. i did a degree in accounting and finance where i did tax as a module and ACCA part... (view)
Tue 16 Feb, 2016 04:56 am - Hello, does somebody know good scholarship program in Development Studies. Somewhere around Europe? I was looking in Sweden, but still not sure( (view)