Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 06:08 pm
boomerang wrote:
Bravo! Green Witch. That is exactly right.

The "Clinton did it" defense has worn thin from all sides.

Who used the "Clinton did it" defense?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 06:10 pm
McGentrix wrote:

Vitter did not go before a grand jury and lie about his relations. He admitted his mistake and has moved on.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 06:17 pm
boomerang wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

Vitter did not go before a grand jury and lie about his relations. He admitted his mistake and has moved on.

That was in response to Advocate's 'rant'. Advocate, so far, has mentioned Clinton 10 times in this thread.

Bravo! Advocate.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 06:35 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Vitter did not go before a grand jury and lie about his relations. He admitted his mistake and has moved on.

Absolutely right. Anyone who lies to the grand jury should be punished severely.

Oh wait, were not talking about Scooter Libby here?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:27 pm
<snicker> Good one, Joe.

And really, I hate myself for snickering. I was not a huge fan of Clinton. I disagreed with him on several things. And I agree with Bush on some things.... a few things.... okay, a couple of things.

But Bush breaks my heart.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 08:54 pm
Green Witch wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Advocate wrote:

Vitter did not go before a grand jury and lie about his relations. He admitted his mistake and has moved on.

Personally, I find it very funny when the Conservatives just shrug off one of "their guys" bad behavior. How about actually standing up for what you believe it and admitting the guy is a lying, cheating, hypocrite? It doesn't make you a liberal to do so, but rather makes you appear to have real, heart felt values.

Two wrongs don't make a right - it doesn't matter if it's a Republican or Democrat doing the crime (or sin) - wrong is wrong.

Every politician is a "ying, cheating, hypocrite". It goes with the job, but I ask you, do you really care if Vitter, or any other man, goes to see a whore sometimes? Does becoming a politician suddenly stop you from being a human?

It's how one acts when caught that matters. Vitter acted appropriately. He apologized and that should be the end of it. It doesn't change him or his role in government. It's the ones that act inappropriately when caught that need to be run out.
0 Replies
Green Witch
Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 09:12 pm
I don't agree that EVERY politician is a lying, cheating, hypocrite. I have great respect for my congressman and I have worked to re-elect him more than once (he has an 85% approval rating).

I find it incredible that you can dismiss the actions of a person just by their words when they get caught. How do you know they are not lying about being sorry? Maybe they are just sorry they got caught. By your standards some Republican could screw a bunch of hookers, beat his wife and spend all your tax money on profiteering, but if he apologizes he's been redeemed in your mind? If Clinton had said: "Hey, I made a mistake and should not have had sex with Monica" you would have been OK with that and dismissed the whole event? Really? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 02:42 am
McGentrix wrote:
I ask you, do you really care if Vitter, or any other man, goes to see a whore sometimes? Does becoming a politician suddenly stop you from being a human?

I guess many people wouldn't say so. Not so Vitter. That's the irony here. According to Vitter, you'd think that it does matter if a man goes to see a whore sometimes, or cheats on his wife. Because according to Vitter, that would make him "morally unfit" for the job.

Now you can either agree with Vitter, and maintain that he is morally unfit for his job. Or you could disagree with him, and say that his opinion is wrong. Which would raise the question why you should support him in the first place...

McGentrix wrote:
Vitter acted appropriately. He apologized and that should be the end of it.

Hm. So is that your standard for every politician? Or just for Republican ones?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 05:42 am
Advocate wrote:
I imagine that it is effectively legal in, say, New Orleans and Charleston. (I'm joking about the latter.)

If my wife will let me, I will find out whether it is effectively legal in Charleston. A quick trip to Spruill Ave. on Saturday night should do the trick. But will you come bail me out Advocate if it's not effectively legal?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 06:09 am
Green Witch wrote:
I don't agree that EVERY politician is a lying, cheating, hypocrite. I have great respect for my congressman and I have worked to re-elect him more than once (he has an 85% approval rating).

I find it incredible that you can dismiss the actions of a person just by their words when they get caught. How do you know they are not lying about being sorry? Maybe they are just sorry they got caught. By your standards some Republican could screw a bunch of hookers, beat his wife and spend all your tax money on profiteering, but if he apologizes he's been redeemed in your mind? If Clinton had said: "Hey, I made a mistake and should not have had sex with Monica" you would have been OK with that and dismissed the whole event? Really? Rolling Eyes

What is wrong with you?

Take a stupid pill or something? EVERY politician is a lying, cheating hypocrite. If you don't believe that, your eyes are closed.

I have no idea where you get this idea, "By your standards some Republican could screw a bunch of hookers, beat his wife and spend all your tax money on profiteering, but if he apologizes he's been redeemed in your mind?"

Must go back to the stupid pill you took because I have never said anything even resembling this trash.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 07:21 am
McGentrix wrote:
I have no idea where you get this idea, "By your standards some Republican could screw a bunch of hookers, beat his wife and spend all your tax money on profiteering, but if he apologizes he's been redeemed in your mind?"

Must go back to the stupid pill you took because I have never said anything even resembling this trash.

Yes you did.

McGentrix wrote:
It's how one acts when caught that matters. Vitter acted appropriately. He apologized and that should be the end of it. It doesn't change him or his role in government. It's the ones that act inappropriately when caught that need to be run out.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:06 am
I guess we need to make hypocrisy a crime. In any event, it will be interesting to see how the citizens of LA view this matter now, and when Vitter comes up for reelection.

Who knows, more dirt in this matter may show up. And Mrs. Vitter may yet perform a Lorena Bobbitt operation on him.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:16 am

"The darling of the religious right, conservative Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, not only admitted to having sex with prostitutes, he would pay them $300 to make him wear diapers. And today that crazy astronaut called him 'my dream guy, he's got my vote!" --Jay Leno

"Vitter put out a statement saying he only started cheating on his wife after he started hanging out with the wrong crowd, you know, Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, the mayor of LA." --Jay Leno

"David Vitter has admitted he dates hookers in Washington, D.C., and also in Louisiana. He said in his defense he always selected the girl who made the lowest bid, so he's fiscally prudent." --David Letterman

"There's another one of those prostitution scandals down there in Washington, DC.
Louisiana Senator David Vitter admitted that he's been visiting Washington area prostitutes. And I thought about this, 'Whoa, wait a minute, a politician, paying for a hooker? I didn't see that comin.'" --David Letterman

"But good for Vitter, he said that it did not cost the taxpayers a cent. He pays for the hookers with his bribe money." --David Letterman

"Well now more problems with this Vitter guy. You gotta go on his website, he's like Mr. Religious, Mr. Family Values. Well now a second madam has come forward and told the Associated Press that he was also a customer at her brothel. This guy was cheating on his hooker with another hooker." --Jay Leno

"And this madam says that Vitter was not only having sex with the prostitutes -- this is unbelievable -- he would also pay them to dress him up in a diaper. See, that's what you call a pampered politician. And she also said today in an interview that he sometimes paid $300 an hour just to have the hookers talk to him because his wife didn't listen to him. Well, I bet she's all ears now." --Jay Leno

"Republican Senator and family values conservative -- that's what he calls himself -- Senator David Vitter of Louisiana admitted he was a client of the so called DC Madam in Washington. See, this is so wrong. At least use a hooker from your own state. I mean they're gonna pump money into the economy, make it your own." --Jay Leno

"Family values conservative Republican Senator from Louisiana David Vitter admitted he has had sex with prostitutes. Apparently years ago this Senator Vitter guy had been seeing one of the DC Madam's escorts. You think the Senator's embarrassed? How about the hooker? Now the whole world knows she had sex with a politician, eww." --Jay Leno
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:47 am
It seems whenever these Republican conservatives come out and say they're for family values it means they cheat on their wives.

But that's OK. They're conservative Christians and God always forgives conservative Christians.

But not Liberals.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:53 am
Personally, I'm not mad because of his sexual behavior and peccadillos. I'm not even put off by the fact that he would be a hypocrite about it.

Im mad because he's part of a political party that kisses a pychpathic presidents and vice president's ass and gives them the votes they need to rip my home to shreds.

Give me some leaders who will run this country efficiently and I don't care if they f**k swans on Nickelodeon.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 08:56 am
this just in... I love these republicans.... Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jul, 2007 09:03 am
At least Vitter is not into men or kids. I give him credit for that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2007 08:03 am
It seems like clockwork: another day and another "family-values" Rep has to apologize for a major sin.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2007 07:02 pm
Advocate wrote:
It seems like clockwork: another day and another "family-values" Rep has to apologize for a major sin.

Too bad liberals don't have any family values.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2007 07:08 pm
... he said, on the thread about the Republican Senator who had cheated on his wife with a prostitute for $300 per hour.
0 Replies

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