Tue 29 Jul, 2003 02:13 pm
I do woodcarving for a hobby. I had this bright idea to make a goofy caricature trophy for fishing . I want to duplicate the carving so i can make some poly castings and hand these things out at the end of the season in mid September. Anybody have any knowledge or sites that provide information about making molds out of rubber or plastic , and then casting the statues in poly resin . Sort of like those Willie Raye characters we see in the chochkie shops.
AAAAAGHHH_I should be shot . I posted this in Med, It belongs in general or art, sorry, I dont know how to move it about without Cravens help.
Its in Art now, farmerman. Relax ... It ain't no shootin' offense ... 'less it gets ta be a reg'lar habbit
Can't help you, farmerman. I just wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate you on a most excellent signature line.
Ya know, farmerman, casting and replicating multiples of a given casting is common in Model Railroading. Dunno if its what you're after, exactly, but you might wanna take a look at
try this link. it might have some resources you could use.{3A6BD666-215A-4D5B-B8E2-C66F2CE937D4}&Cc=10000298
Nice topic title, farmerman...
Thanks for moving me. I started to post while I was reading a thread by Vonderjohn ( it was about diabetes and I really couldnt help, so when I posted my question I forgot the proper category-you guys are spooky fast)
Timberland- i didnt see anything about casting that jumped out . Is there a possibility that the train set ups use metal castings?
CI-your link didnt open .
osso-I panicked and couldnt think of anything when I saw I was in meds, but the answer was soon made obvious to me, I merely rememberd my Charlemagne
If you -do- use resin, be sure to treat it like you would radioactive material. That stuff is sooo toxic. Make sure you're wearing a really good ventilation mask and do it in a well ventilated area (outside is best).
Sorry, farmerman ... prooly not a great source for your need, I guess. I was thinking specifically of their "HYDROCAL", a plaster-substitute casting medium. Still, the hobby modeling field could be fruitful ... try a look here:
Michigan Toy is a leader in model casting ... that link should take you to their casting supplies page. Should be some reference material there, and all sorts of casting media.
When i saw the title I thought you wanted info on the caste system in India!!!
Can't help - sorry
maybe the lack of information is a symptom of the decline of sculpture. I guess sculpture isn't as interesting in 2-d media (photographs) as it would be featured in books or on the internet.
I know the art institute of chicago offers some extensive graduate sculpture courses, but I don't know if they'd have any information online.
ALL-I looked for some resorces today. It seems Woodcarving Illustrated had a recent series of articles about casting techniques. Unfortunately, they are located back in PA (in Lititz about 30 miles from my home, no help while Im in Maine) Oh well, now Ive gotta search out the Wood... Illus website (if they indeed even have one,)
Maybe I will luck out at a magazine store when we go over to Orono to visit some friends this weekend.
Timberland-Jeezus H Christ--- 89.95 for a casting kit!!! . Damn, me and my ideas. Dont get me wrong Its a valuable good site Just made for a past bucket chemists like me and a few others to take apart and substitute. Im going to send a PM to Kuvasz. Hes a polymer chemist who understands "back formulating" or the fine art of taking organic products in the market and seeing what 59 cent chemical theyre really made from. Polymers are not my forte.
I haven't shopped there in a while ... I do recall they were spendy, but after disappointment with product and/or service from other vendors I stumbled across them ... I got what I was after and was happy with the service too. It isn't a big thing with me, in fact I do very little casting anymore. It was just happenstance that link was still in the Favorites folder and that it occurred to me to look for it.