Wed 11 Jul, 2007 09:19 am
Just an opinion and experience thread.
So far I have figured that office politics is one. And the usual crap -- workload, job insecurity, strife with co-workers.
So, well, um, what have you to say?
"Cement Head", the ultra-annoying guy who sits near me, is the one and only source of my stress.
i worked with a bunch of people who used to work with him, none of them had anything good to say about him, and i can certainly see why...
We've got more divas than La Scala.
Any time you don't have control over something - your future (job security, job relocations, etc), handling issues (you have the smarts to handle it, but Jo Smo 10 levels above you located in another city has to decide and it takes forever).
Uncertainty about the h*ll is really going on - they tell you one thing, but you can also tell they are either hiding something or not telling the complete truth.
And that gumpy that consistently blows his nose at such a loud decibel level it kills your eardrums. And that annoying giggle that same gumpy makes that only a pre-teen girl should be able to get away with forget about a full grown man.
How does work stress me? Let me count the ways.
Note: this is a list encompassing stressors from several different jobs in my work history.
- A coworker who cannot laugh without snorting. Loudly.
- Being reminded to do one person's pet little report (a day in advance) when I already keep a more complex calendar than this person can possibly imagine and do not need help in remembering which day is a Tuesday.
- Being given "help" in the form of explaining what I do, over and over, to, first, a coworker with ADHD, then to a coworker who didn't care and now to an arrogant programmer who claims there's a better way to do everything I do. That's fine, genius, now go do it.
- Ceaseless meetings on why no work gets done. Why is there no work getting done? Is it maybe because we're always in freakin' meetings?
- Schedules with no rhyme or reason, assignments with no purpose.
- Being pushed to come in on a weekend in order to cover nothing in particular (no phone calls, or software to be monitored or anything) when I had nearly nothing to do during the week. While I was paid overtime for this, it was a supreme waste of time.
- Not giving me report requests on the third of the month when they come in, but instead getting them on the thirtieth, and being told they're due before the first of the following month.
- Nasty judges, opposing counsel, etc.
- Unsafe working conditions, having to go to do audits or depositions in lousy neighborhoods
- Etc. can't think of them all in one shot ...
This may sound like I hate working, and that's actually not true, I don't hate working at all, but there are definitely root causes of stress and a lack of control is a prime one.
Deadlines mostly. Occasionally other people's stress causes me stress. We have a hand wringer in the office, and when he's set off, the stress that accompanies holding my tongue is too much.
As soon as I read this topic's title, I said "Idiots!" to myself.
Some days I feel as though I'm surrounded.
How about that boss that covers every thing you already know about a project, and wanders off before giving you the information you really need?
Treating (competent & experienced) staff like children &
telling them what to do, when a bit of consultation would be rather nice ... & probably more productive, too! The education sector here has become sooooo bureaucratic. Constant changes, demands & edicts from above that lead to what looks suspiciously like completely unnecessary busy work!
Yeah, really. Why on earth do they hire people with degrees and experience in the first place.
Because they have no choice in the matter, Roger! Well, in regard to qualifications, anyway ....
My boss (who just resigned)
people like the guy I had tonight who insist that I stay late to accomodate their song request in a pushy way... when I would have probably done it if they had just asked politely.
fortunately, after trying to be reasonable and seeing that it isn't going to work I'm in a position to tell them to f**k themselves.... like I did the guy tonight
-handling phone calls, badging contractors, operating a camera, and typing in a log at the same time every day for about 30 minutes, and then again 4 hours later.
-having absolutely nothing to do except watch cameras for the other 7 hours. Did i mention that the place is closed? its like watching tv with no sound, and it froze.
-Taking the bus to work everyday, and getting to my minimal goal of 1000 dollars only to have some stupid emergency take 90% of it away when im about to go to the car auction. i mean seriously, 5 times is enough, i want my damn car! i hate the bus!(but my root canal was so worth it i cant lie)
-people who like to defy authority, even when im trying to help them.
-people who say "i want A" and me saying "well we have to do B and C before we can get A" and then them saying "well i want A, and im doing neither B or C" and them actually expecting to get it.
LOL i mean sometimes i dont think these people exist, i mean seriously sometimes i wanna know how these people survive. theres like a secret population of fully grown adults with the brains of infants running around out there, its like a secret society of retards.
someday... maybe someday...
What causes stress? That damned security guard who keeps trying to make be do B and C when all I really need to do is A and who won't shut up about my lack of respect for authority.
For a minute I was afraid you wouldn't know I was joking...
Outlook retards who claim to be pros.
And make my life hard.
Ohhhhhh, and how about that boss who told the 'head-est' honcho of the company that CUNY TV would be along to interview him? And typo-ed in a 'T' instead of the 'Y.' Ummmmm yeah. HAAAAAhahahahaha! That was a message I had fun trying to recall for them. (Not much luck, and much laughter along all the hallways!)

Oh my. That must have been a very fun day at work.