Mon 28 Jul, 2003 05:32 pm
following a heads-up from Edgarblythe, i found this on Yahoo News:
AUSTIN, Texas - Democratic state lawmakers fled Texas on Tuesday for the second time in three months to thwart a Republican drive to redraw the state's congressional districts.
Eleven of the 12 Democrats in the state Senate left for Albuquerque, N.M., as a first special session called by the governor to address redistricting drew to a close and he called a second special session, scheduled to begin Wednesday. The second session could last as long as 30 days.
In May, during the regular spring session, the Republicans tried to push redistricting toward a vote in the GOP-controlled state House. But 51 Democrats in that chamber fled across the state line to Oklahoma to block a quorum, killing the bill.
Republicans are pressing for more seats in the state's 32-member delegation in the U.S. House; the Democrats currently hold a 17-15 advantage. Republicans say that ratio does not reflect the state's increasingly Republican voting patterns.
Most Democrats want to keep the existing congressional map drawn by a three-judge federal panel in 2001, calling redistricting a power grab pushed by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Republican.
The Senate and House adjourned their special session Monday afternoon. Shortly afterward, Republican Gov. Rick Perry called a new one.
Two-thirds of the Senate's 31 members must be present to conduct business. The absence of the 11 Democrats can hold up passage of any bill.
During the first special session, Senate Democrats were able to block a redistricting bill that could have given Republicans an additional seven seats. Eleven Democrats and one Republican stood firm against the bill.
Senate rules require that two-thirds of the chamber support a bill before it can be taken up for debate. Republican Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has said he would do away with that rule during the second session so that only a majority would be needed to debate a bill.
The line it is cast
The die it is drawn
And there's no tellin who that it's namin
For he that stalled will get felled by the ball
That Tom DeLay is rollin.....
(wheez wheez whang whang)
The times they are back rollin
There are about three threads going now on this, and I'm sure we can keep them all kicked up toward the top...
dys, for some reason I also thought of Boxcar (-sized tax bills) Willie when I read this.
I also wondered if Asherman might be willing to host another Gathering... :wink:
I'm sure it's only a matter of time til the Repubs find a way to force their will on us. They've got the numbers to do it. Might makes right - right?
Hey PDiddie:
And I'm here too
Don't worry. I'll be good this time ... Craven told me he was going to chainsaw my balls off next time I get out of line ... so I'm cool!
Ah, the new cooooooooool anon. Howdy coooooooooooooool anon.
Although symbolic because Texas does not have a recall provision, this online petition is a good way to register displeasure with this dangerously partisan governor who takes his marching orders from Tom Delay. Please sign!
Hey Edgar! Nice seeing you my friend!
What would help the most would be for the Repubs to flee. I would truly enjoy that.
Outside the Texas Governor's Mansion: