Coolwhip wrote:Neither do I like the fact that they put all these adventure movies in the Sci-Fi genre. There isn't much science to harry potter or lotr...
Me thinks i'll stick to IMDb for a general idea of what movie to watch, than judge for myself.
You're right, of course, that LOTR and Harry Potter are not sci-fi, but also I didn't find them in the new list on RT. I don't go on their forum very often but I'd sure like to comment that I think there criteria and research is flawed.
Actually, there haven't been enough fantasy films made to make up a list of 100 which is why I think they are on the sub-genre of sci-fi on the original list.
I've never found any category of genre lists on IMDb and one thing I don't like about their web design is that it is hard to find anything. Try to find the list of Oscar winners, for instance, and you have to do some peculiar searching. I find the new design even more disconcerting and no user friendly. You should see the IMDb PRO. It's like a maze.