Rotten Tomatoes 100 Best Reviewed Sci-Fi Films

Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 06:34 pm
Thanks for posting the existing list in order -- here are my comments. And, I agree, LOTR and Harry Potter are fantasy. It is NOT the same genre.

1. 100% The Bride of Frankenstein 35 -- I'm fine with this
2. 100% Aliens 34 -- I'm fine with this
3. 100% The Road Warrior 34 -- overrated
4. 100% The Terminator 31 -- I'm fine with this although I think it's overrated but the idea did spawn a good series
5. 100% Invasion of the Body Snatchers 31 -- I'm fine with this if they're talking about the first movie
6. 100% Frankenstein 29 -- I'm fine with this
7. 100% Sleeper 27 -- it's a comedy, really
8. 100% The Invisible Man 25 -- eh, it's okay
9. 100% Them! 21 -- still a good film
10. 99% Metropolis 70 -- I'm fine with this
11. 98% E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 85 -- I'm fine with this. Personally I'm not a fan of this film but I can see why people are
12. 97% The Incredibles 218 -- it's okay; I think it has a very good message
13. 97% The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 206 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
14. 97% Spirited Away 145 -- haven't seen it
15. 97% E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial The 20th Anniversary 79 -- why the hell is this on the list twice?
16. 97% Alien 69 -- I'm fine with this
17. 97% The Empire Strikes Back 60 -- it's okay but not the best of the Star Wars flicks
18. 97% Brazil 39 -- I'm fine with this
19. 97% Solaris 36 -- eh, it's an okay film but I felt it was talky
20. 97% Repo Man 34 -- I'm fine with this
21. 97% Invasion of the Body Snatchers 32 -- see #5
22. 97% Terminator 2: Judgment Day 30 -- probably the best film in this series
23. 96% The Truman Show 82 -- I thought it was escapist garbage, personally
24. 95% Star Wars 55 -- best of the series
25. 95% Back to the Future 41 -- I'm fine with this
26. 95% Things to Come 20 -- haven't seen it; know I should
27. 94% The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 227 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
28. 94% Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 208 --haven't seen it; know I should
29. 94% Alien: The Director's Cut 49 -- I still find it absurd that films are listed twice if edited differently
30. 94% 2001: A Space Odyssey 47 -- I'm fine with this
31. 94% Mad Max 35 -- overrated, I feel
32. 94% Blade Runner - The Director's Cut 35 -- I'm fine with this
33. 94% Close Encounters of the Third Kind 34 -- I'm fine with this
34. 94% Forbidden Planet 34 -- I'm fine with this
35. 94% Time Bandits 31 -- I'm fine with this but I think the film doesn't hold up that well
36. 93% Spider-Man 2 229 -- haven't seen this; if it's anything like the first, it's more fantasy than sci-fi
37. 93% The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 183 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
38. 93% Princess Mononoke 61 -- haven't seen this; know I should
39. 93% Superman: The Movie 45 -- eh, it's okay; does not hold up well
40. 93% Young Frankenstein 44 -- this is a comedy; it does not belong here
41. 93% Edward Scissorhands 42 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
42. 93% Day the Earth Stood Still 41 -- I'm fine with this
43. 93% Ghostbusters 41 -- eh, I despise this film and in any event it's a comedy
44. 93% Ghost in the Shell 30 -- haven't seen this
45. 92% The Host 128 -- haven't seen this
46. 92% Gojira 52 -- haven't seen this
47. 92% Blade Runner 39 -- See #32
48. 91% Minority Report 216 -- vastly overrated popcorn
49. 91% Children of Men 186 -- haven't seen this
50. 91% Metropolis 53 -- I'm fine with this but it should be rated higher
51. 91% Star Trek: First Contact 44 -- I love Star Trek but this is the second-best of the series; the best one is The Wrath of Khan
52. 91% The Fly 43 -- I'm fine with this so long as we're talking about the original film
53. 91% Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 35 -- see #51
54. 91% Re-Animator 32 -- haven't seen this, but isn't it more in the horror genre?
55. 91% Fantastic Voyage 23 -- a good idea but does not hold up well; overrated
56. 91% The Brother From Another Planet 22 -- decent film
57. 90% Galaxy Quest 103 -- decent film
58. 90% Men in Black 60 -- should be rated higher
59. 90% Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut 42 -- haven't seen this; know I should
60. 90% 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 20 -- decent film
61. 89% Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 218 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
62. 89% Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 204 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
63. 89% THX 1138 46 -- haven't seen this; know I should
64. 89% A Clockwork Orange 36 -- I'm fine with this
65. 89% Delicatessen 36 -- haven't seen this
66. 89% Westworld 27 -- I'm fine with this
67. 88% Shrek 2 197 -- haven't seen this but isn't this another misfiled film?
68. 88% The Crow 34 -- haven't seen this
69. 88% They Live 33 -- haven't seen this
70. 88% Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 32 -- I'm fine with this; it's definitely the third-best of the series
71. 88% The Thing From Another World 24 -- haven't seen this
72. 87% X2: X-Men United 212 -- haven't seen this
73. 87% 12 Monkeys 47 -- I'm fine with this
74. 87% Save The Green Planet! 39 -- haven't seen this
75. 87% Altered States 31 -- overrated, I feel
76. 86% The Matrix 118 -- I'm fine with this
77. 86% Superman II 37 -- I think this should be ranked the highest in the series (I'm discounting the most recent film as kind of being outside of the Christopher Reeve series) but I think the rating is right
78. 86% Planet of the Apes 36 -- should be ranked a LOT higher, if we're talking about the first film in the original series
79. 86% Alphaville 22 -- haven't seen this
80. 86% Seconds 22 -- haven't seen this
81. 86% Excalibur 21 -- overrated swords and sorcery; belongs in the fantasy category
82. 86% Sunshine 21 -- haven't seen this
83. 85% Paprika 62 -- haven't seen this
84. 85% Robocop 39 -- overrated
85. 85% Jurassic Park 33 -- should be rated higher
86. 85% Time After Time 27 -- I love this film but it's really more of a love story
87. 85% Akira 27 -- haven't seen this
88. 85% Fahrenheit 451 26 -- should be rated higher
89. 85% The War of the Worlds 26 -- decent rating if we're talking about the original film; hated the remake
90. 85% The Adventures of Baron Munchausen 20 -- haven't seen this
91. 85% Journey to the Center of the Earth 20 -- rating is correct
92. 85% The Man Who Fell to Earth 20 -- rating is correct
93. 85% X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes 20 -- haven't seen it
94. 85% Batman - Mask of the Phantasm 20 -- haven't seen it
95. 84% Bridge to Terabithia 125 -- fantasy genre; does not belong here
96. 84% 2046 105 -- haven't seen it
97. 84% Open Your Eyes 43 -- haven't seen it
98. 84% Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 31 -- really more of a comedy
99. 84% The City of Lost Children 25 -- haven't seen it
100. 83% Paris, Je T'aime 95 -- haven't seen it

My Top 25 and actually the order fluctuates; here's how I happen to feel today:
1. Planet of the Apes (original film, with Heston)
2. Metropolis
3. Repo Man
4. Men in Black
5. Jurassic Park (I hate the story but the effects are off the charts)
6. 2001
7. The Omega Man (I'm a sucker for dystopic fantasies)
8. The Matrix
9. Star Wars
10. Back to the Future
11. Frankenstein
12. The Bride of Frankenstein
13. Alien
14. Aliens
15. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (only the original film need apply)
16. Terminator II: Judgment Day
17. Blade Runner
18. Day the Earth Stood Still
19. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
20. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
21. Brazil
22. Forbidden Planet
23. The Fly (original film only)
24. 1984
25. Fahrenheit 451

Honorable mention:
The Terminator
The Incredibles
The other films in the Planet of the Apes, Back to the Future, Star Trek and Star Wars series
Soylent Green
The first 2/3 or so of Men In Black II

If you get into a dystopian or nuclear war type of subgenre, then I have to put films like On the Beach and Threads at the top.

PS Can't find a British film I saw only once; sixties vintage, about being unable to have more than one child, set in a dystopic future. Any ideas?
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 06:39 pm
Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke aren't science fiction - they're fantasy.

Delicatessen - ? Sci fi? Really?
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 07:07 pm
One of my faves is "Silent Running". Perhaps it's underrated.

And as much as I liked some parts of Alien, I would consider it Horror-Fantasy and not Science Fiction. Plus the ending was ultra-lame and a complete disappointment, it took the whole movie to figure out that a vacuum was the simplest-best way to kill it......dumb!
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 07:14 pm
What about the Fifth Element? Or Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 07:18 pm
The Fifth Element was cute, comic bookish and fun not unlike Judge Dredd and Total Recall.
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 07:19 pm
Agreed. But, given what else is on the list......
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 07:29 pm
I also think that "Village Of The Damned" 1963 should be on the list, no blood guts gore special effects monsters etc yet I can think of no other serious film that addresses the blend of an alien invasion & Man's next potential evolutionary step. http://www.moria.co.nz/sf/village.

I think a lot of experts get the film wrong when they apply the clichés of the 1950s fear of takeover, I never saw the film in the light of paranoia films / fear of Nazism.
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 09:08 pm
Actually the list I posted isn't the same as the new series of sci-fi only movies and I did leave off in the copy and paste that the list is under "Sci-Fi/Fantasy" as I don't think anyone could come up with even fifty fantasy films. RT lumped them together and the latest "calculated poll" has no complete page for the list. You have to browse through the entire 100 (not fair).
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Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2007 10:47 pm
"Alien" may be in the sci-fi horror part of the genre (so is "The Thing" and the original story it came from, "Who Goes There?) if it were separated in a sub-category but it's definitely not fantasy. There was a plausibility to the science in the film and its success depends on the atmosphere, suspense right down to the musical scoring. The whole of this tour-de-force of suspense and tension could not exist without the crew not immediately thinking of everyone donning space suits and then evacuating the air. The android was certainly not going to clue them in. Almost all suspense drama falls apart if you pick away at it. It's the old "don't go up that staircase, you fool, and absolutely do not open that door." "Alien" is essentially a remake of the original movie of "The Thing," sans the morphing and absorbtion element, of course, only in the future and in space. Ever notice most of the menacing aliens attack Earth aren't specifically placed in any future time but in almost an alternate universe. Both filmings of "The War of the Worlds" are framed in present day, like "it's going to happen the day after tomorrow." "Donny Darko" rather satirizes the whole formula -- I would not enjoy that film either if I took it really seriously.

In the origins of the written genre, the old handle just happened to be science-fantasy. This was the old Amazing days up through the era of the space opera. Wikipedia happens to have a pretty good article on "science-fantasy:" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fantasy

Future fiction is also a bygone term except that nearly all sci-fi is placed in the future. There is socio-political future fiction like "1984" which doesn't really rely on much science, and there's satirical future fiction as in "The Space Merchants." "The Fifth Element" is a comedic future fiction if a bit heavy handed with it, also remarkable for its production design. Did not garner much critical respect but it's one of the most repeated showings on cable. I think it's because it's a hell of a lot of fun -- can't resist that Blue Diva (neither can Roger Ebert).

"Blade Runner" is most significant for its production design -- a future world still mired in the remnants of the past. It has socio-political overtones, more so in the novelette. "The Demolished Man" is also in this category. So there's all sorts of shades of gray where science isn't the totality of the basic premise.

I don't short RT for trying to close off pidgeon holes but it leaves us with a less-than-comprehensive list. Now let's see AFI to the 100 Sci-Fi and Fantasy films -- they would also be forced to combine the two.
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Reply Sat 7 Jul, 2007 03:48 am
Village of the Damned! How could I forget? Skeery, skeery film that stays with you.

I agree that peeling off the fantasy stuff (and probably the more horroresque stuff as well) means you end up with a pretty short list. Hmm.
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Reply Sat 7 Jul, 2007 09:05 am
The older movies have cards stacked against them with not enough reviews -- RT has built a network of critical reviews that is effective but I think they need to rethink their formula. If I get time, I'll write down the new list off scanning through the individual movies. Did anyone check to see if "Village of the Damned" was in the newest list?
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Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 04:49 am
I hate such "The Best 10x Movies Of All Time" Lists....

They could be challenged by anyone.
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Reply Thu 12 Jul, 2007 07:35 am
That's the idea. Stars a discussion about what your favorite sci-fi movies are even if the basis of this particular list is difficult to understand. Although sci-fi has begun to shows up on the top ten list of film critics, "2001: A Space Odyssey," more sci-fi is showing up on top 100 lists like "Blade Runner." What are your favorite ten sci-fi movies?
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Reply Mon 16 Jul, 2007 02:21 am
My favs:

Solyaris (Tarkovsky)
2001, a Space Odyssey
Blade Runner
THX 1138
Silent Running
The Fifth Element
Abre los Ojos (badly remade as Vanilla Sky)
The Andromeda Strain
The Matrix
Planet of the Apes (original)

Other sf films I liked (some that I hadn't noticed in other lists) in no particular order and not exhaustive:

Star Trek First Contact
Star Wreck In the Pirkinning (spoof)
Artificial Intelligence: AI
Starship Troopers
Cherry 2000
Bicentennial Man
Pitch Black
Battle beyond the Stars
Capricorn One
The Abyss

And I just saw Immortel (ad vitam), a very unusual story combining SF with ancient mythology.

Oh, and I remember Saturn 3 as amusing too.
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Reply Wed 18 Jul, 2007 12:03 pm
I didn't look on Rotten Tomatoes list for "Star Treck: First Contact," but it has to be the best of the New Generation part of the series. Still have had time to compile a full list from the site.
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