redpickle wrote:sozobe wrote:What's wrong with "parent" as a verb?
"To parent" used to mean "to be a parent of". Now it is loaded with sense of taking control over and away from the child.
I happen to agree with Boomerang: "Everything today is so overly sanitized, zero tolerence, politically correct, overly organized, that kids just seem like miniture adults. There doesn't seem to be much adventure left. "
So my quest is for returning the adventure. To let the kids just be.
Heh. I've seen the opposite. Too many parents who are hands-off, lazy, uninvolved, too permissive.
Kids become mini adults when parents try to stay kids themselves. Doesn't matter if that means the kid is in a million activities so mom and dad don't have to be involved, or if it's because mom and dad are irresponsible tarts.
In case you didn't notice, kids need grown ups. Not as friends, as GROWN UPS.
I'm guessing you didn't grow up with a 'permissive' parent. If you had, you might release the adventure gets quite tiresome of being your parent's best pal, and being expected to do things that you can not possibly making major decisions about your life and future.
Structure and security, as a kid, first. That matters. Nothing is fun if you are scared and wondering what is going to happen next, all the time, and if it's going to be ok.
There are a lot of kids out there just screaming for adult guidance and direction.