Merry Andrew wrote:The present Supreme Court, as a group, is one of the most antedeluvian and reactionary such groups in several decades. Not since the days of the Waite and Fuller Courts (late 19th-early 20th centuries) have so many wrong-headed decisions been handed down in short order. These folks seem to be in close touch with the current (and recent) GOP administration policies, but sadly out of touch with the spirit of the times and the prevailing public opinion.
Spirit of the times? Prevailing opinion?
How do you define both, and upon what do you base your opinion?
The public put a Republican president into the White House for two terms.Presumably some of the voters realized Bush got to appoint SC justices, and that one or more would probably need to be replaced.
The Democrats could have philibustered the two Bush nominations, but they didn't. Do you really think that if they thought the Spirit of the Times and Prevailing Opinion were dead set against Alito and Roberts (neither being a conservative in liberal's clothing) that they would not have held firm in opposing them?
Your assessment of the current Court is predictably hyperbolic. Let's discuss the various individual decisions, shall we?
You and your confreres are mistaken to think that the Dem's recent rise to power in Congress is some sort of sign of a Liberal Restoration. Look at their approval rating. Is it an indication of a renewed of an American love affair with Liberals, or that the current Dems aint Liberal enough?