Do Christians believe in ghosts?

Wed 21 Dec, 2011 10:35 am
Thank you. I feel all grief runs its own course. Sometimes, grief never ends but assumes a different form.
Wed 21 Dec, 2011 03:03 pm
plainoldme wrote:
Thank you. I feel all grief runs its own course.
Sometimes, grief never ends but assumes a different form.
In an effort to relieve your emotional pain,
permit me to offer the following:
people who have been restored to life in hospitals
(not including myself, because I do not remember my own deaths
during surgery) have expressed dissatisfaction with having been restored
to incarnate human life. Some have told us of their years of anger about it.
Some of them have compared it to getting stuffed into a mayonaise jar,
or to being put back in jail, the point being that thay were HAPPIER, having molted off
their human coverings. I have seen the Chinese joyously celebrate at funerals, with musical instruments.

0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 12:40 am
Ghosts are an adeptation of the devil, meant to deceive.
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 02:29 am
Ghosts adapt the devil's ways?

Maybe, some... Is there not good and evil in this world?

What about the people that see a little girl, who is crying who was murdered by someone evil...Is that ghost evil? I think not.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 02:34 am
I believe in lost souls.

Those that aren't ready to move on, things un-said, left behind and can't move on until that's completed.

I also think from reading what you wrote, that for 40 years you have thought about this man, on his birthday... But, over those 40 years not once did you have a thought that lead you to investigate, until this year, which lead you to the finding of his death and contact with this other person.

If I was to predict anything there, it would be that after his passing, he was aware or made aware, of the 40 years you remembered him, and in the acknowledgement of that, led you to find him, after death to say thank you.

Yeah I know I am weird but I like me as I am....

Wed 4 Jan, 2012 05:16 am
I would agree with you...
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 05:27 am
I have sweedish background 3 generations ago just off topic:)
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 06:22 am
Might explain something.
We Scandinavians believe more in supernatrual things than Germans do.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 09:43 am
@ Found Soul and Saab -- I have always lived my life believing that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreampt of in anyone's philosophy.

Actually, found soul, I think what you describe here is almost exactly what happened. I should add that during the time we were an active, but young, couple, that despite our difficulties in forming the simple sentence, "I love you," that we had a very strong psychic connection. I would often say the phone is going to ring now and point to it. It rang and it was him.

After our very painful break up, I was simply unable to date for a year. He took the other tack and latched onto someone rather quickly. Their marriage lasted a year although they separated but did not divorce for nearly a decade. On the day his divorce was final, I was the mother of a small baby. My husband and I had one car. I went to the store that evening and, on the drive home, thought of him with great clarity. The thought was that he was divorced.

Several days later, my mother who hated him so much that she never called him by his first name, called me from Michigan to say that he had written me. she offered me two choices: she would read the letter to me over the phone or she would throw it away on my behalf. I said no. I insisted that she put the letter in a larger envelope and mail it to me (he had used a small envelope . . . I did not want to risk the PO returning it to him).

His divorce was final on the day I had thought of him.

I believed that his second marriage was happy. But, I believe that he wanted me to know that he was dead and that he had wanted his estranged friend to know the same news. Both men were physicians. The friend was easy to find. I wrote him a note on good stationery, addressed to his medical practice with the word personal on the bottom and my name and address in the return spot, although I seriously doubt that he would remember me.

I also emailed his surviving brother who answered me with an accurate description of what I looked like at the time and an assessment of my personality which pleased me. It is nice to be fondly remembered. What he wrote supported some of my suppositions. He left out any information about that first marriage. I thanked him for his kindness and asked a few more questions. His note brought forth a few more memories, including the time their father asked to meet me to learn whether "this girl that you are seeing . . . is she alright?"

When I tried to tell my own father about my former boyfriend's death, he cut me off, talking over my words.

I can only explain my parents' intense dislike of him by chalking it up to a past life experience . . . but re-incarnation is the subject of another thread.

Thank you, found soul.
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 09:54 am
I believe in lost souls.

Those that aren't ready to move on, things un-said, left behind and can't move on until that's completed.

I also think from reading what you wrote, that for 40 years you have thought about this man, on his birthday... But, over those 40 years not once did you have a thought that lead you to investigate, until this year, which lead you to the finding of his death and contact with this other person.

If I was to predict anything there, it would be that after his passing, he was aware or made aware, of the 40 years you remembered him, and in the acknowledgement of that, led you to find him, after death to say thank you.

Yeah I know I am weird but I like me as I am....
Ever hear of the International Association of Near Death Studies ? www.IANDS.org

Many people who have been restored to human life have interesting adventures to tell.

Wed 4 Jan, 2012 09:56 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Many people who have been restored to human life have interesting adventures to tell.

About having their bottom photographed.
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 02:21 pm
Hey plainoldme,

Thank you for sharing more of your story.

I too grew up with some of those abilities, knowing the phone would ring before it would:) My Mother's side of the family could tell some stories:) I also recall once when washing the dishes in a different room, I stopped, dried my hands grabbed the tissue box, walked down the hall, opened the lounge-room door, handed that box to my Mother, to which she stated to Dad "see? told you"..She had apparently told him "watch this, I'm going to get ... to bring me the tissues by asking her with my mind" ... Scared the carp out of me from then on-wards, "oh no, she knows everything I am thinking" Smile

You can't keep "souls" away from each other. You obviously believe in re-incarnation. I too believe that there are people that enter your life, you can not ever forget, the connection quite powerful and people you meet and feel as if you've known them for ever yet you've just met. I can count at least 3 people for what ever reason went out of their way years later to locate me, contact me, say they were sorry and I've never heard from them since... For silly things, like trying to take over my business or run it their way..Or one that tracked me down to say, I really did love you, just wanted you to know. I have always found that to be quite en-lightening that, that occured...

I don't know nor does anyone else what is out there beyond life, but that something is. Being physhic goes beyond intuition.

I am sure he loved his wife...

I am sure that the connection you both had together though goes beyond husband and wife...

I think it's lovely that, that exists and that you got to say goodbye..

Even though you don't feel that you did, although somehow I think that you do...

Saab... My ex-husband was part German not a good match:)

Not racist though obviously, I married him.
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 02:22 pm
Yes, OmSigDavid,

You gave me that link when I first joined here:)

But, that isn't the discussion here, the man passed over.
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 03:22 pm
Yes I believe Ghosts exist...and I believe that ghosts, are direct proof that an afterlife exist....
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 03:27 pm
Maybe, that's their purpose...

But for those that don't believe, they would never see one and think we are nuts if we have Smile

As kids, we could put it down to wicked imaginations, as Adults, science can explain it in their terms, mist etc, but there really is no mistaking some things seen, way to hard to explain them to be anything in-different than a ghost.....

Wed 4 Jan, 2012 03:38 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Many people who have been restored to human life have interesting adventures to tell.
izzythepush wrote:
About having their bottom photographed.
Well, altho the subject matter of the photography
was not good looking, nor interesting (except to the fotografer),
in my opinion, it is an interesting commentary on one of the depravities of the human mind.
Do u agree with that, Izzy?

Wed 4 Jan, 2012 03:42 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
Yes I believe Ghosts exist...and I believe that ghosts, are direct proof that an afterlife exist....
Yes, and a beforelife

The COMPLETE removal of a ghost
from the human body is indicative of a severe medical condition called "death."

0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 04:09 pm
Yes, OmSigDavid,

You gave me that link when I first joined here:)

But, that isn't the discussion here, the man passed over.
Please forgive the failing memory of an older person, FS.

I distribute it and sometimes I fail to remember to whom I have already given it.
In any case, it remains possible that some good will result from a new comer
seeing it and taking delight in its benefits.

0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2012 04:53 pm
Hey plainoldme,

Thank you for sharing more of your story.

I too grew up with some of those abilities, knowing the phone would ring before it would:) My Mother's side of the family could tell some stories:) I also recall once when washing the dishes in a different room, I stopped, dried my hands grabbed the tissue box, walked down the hall, opened the lounge-room door, handed that box to my Mother, to which she stated to Dad "see? told you"..She had apparently told him "watch this, I'm going to get ... to bring me the tissues by asking her with my mind" ... Scared the carp out of me from then on-wards, "oh no, she knows everything I am thinking" Smile

You can't keep "souls" away from each other. You obviously believe in re-incarnation. I too believe that there are people that enter your life, you can not ever forget, the connection quite powerful and people you meet and feel as if you've known them for ever yet you've just met. I can count at least 3 people for what ever reason went out of their way years later to locate me, contact me, say they were sorry and I've never heard from them since... For silly things, like trying to take over my business or run it their way..Or one that tracked me down to say, I really did love you, just wanted you to know. I have always found that to be quite en-lightening that, that occured...

I don't know nor does anyone else what is out there beyond life, but that something is. Being physhic goes beyond intuition . . . .
Some people who have returned in hospitals from death
(not including me, inasmuch as I do not remember either of my deaths),
have told of intuitively knowing that all n each of the medical personnel
in the hospital room rescuing them, the flowers in the room and the dog
barking across the street SHARED ONE LIFE, the same life, and that the
diversity of life is an illusion.
(If it be true that there is only 1 life,
then unity of knowledge, or shared knowledge shoud not be a big surprize.)

Some years ago, I was staying in the Tropicana in Las Vegas, for a convention.
I was in the ante-chamber to the bathroom, which had 6 mirrors set
at different angles, reflecting each other. I counted myself in 47 places
at 1ce, b4 I gave up counting, but there was really only 1 me.
(Some folks in this forum believe that 1 is far too many.)

Wed 4 Jan, 2012 05:00 pm
(Some folks in this forum believe that 1 is far too many.)

Can you explain that statement please.

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