FOUND SOUL wrote:I see.
I sometimes feel that when you are wanting to make a statement bold can help,
or when you are in an amuzing mood, jacking up the type size is amusing..
I don't think there is anything wrong personally with people expressing themselves,
we each have our own way of doing so.
My thoughts on all of that OmSigDAVID is who gives a darn.. It will annoy some people,
others will see it with expression... So what, be you.
Well, yeah, in my childhood, I believed in *being tuff*
but that 's not always the best thing to do.
Some of the members have entreated my mercy and importuned my compassion.
1 guy claimed that I gave him headaches and that I was driving him blind.
I think Osso said something like that too; more than 1ce. There were others.
The overwhelmingly general consensus of souls who were found
to return from human death have told us that on Judgment Day,
we judge ourselves, our incarnate lives, by 2 criteria:
1. Love
2. Learning.
I can 't claim to have been too terrific by either criterion.
FOUND SOUL wrote:As for the books, I do love reading and learning and exploring it's called how much time I have that sometimes doesn't allow the same.. Being a work a holic, as well as an addicted FS as well as ... oh well maybe I have an addictive personality, another thread

Yeah, I m not addicted to anything,
neither drugs nor alcohol, no smoking,
but I suspect that I have an addictive personality.
I was obsessed with a young lady named Joyce, for many years.
FOUND SOUL wrote:Still would like you to start a thread pertaining to the many
exquisite meals you've been blessed to try.
I can't. I 've never carried a camera around,
not even now that thay r so prevalent in fones,
so I've not taken any pictures. I 've been running the SIG for about 3O years now.
My memory is not too accurate nor inclusive qua our successes.
I coud not do much better that to say, retrospectively:
"in 2OOO, the pastry chef at the Coral Reef Restaurant
in the EPCOT Center blew my mind with Pineapple Upside Down Cake
and with Chocolate Marbled Cheesecake" (both of which r true).
The chef has since escaped; (sadly, very sadly).
FOUND SOUL wrote:And, lastly I'm a shocker sometimes with spelling,
I am creative, artistic never really got into school books...
So, warning in advance, don't pick on me:) Cause I won't care.
I laud your libertarianism.
Words have been my lifelong playmates; good friends.
Spelling can be part of that.