Do Christians believe in ghosts?

Sun 27 Jul, 2003 05:47 pm
Just curious to know people's thoughts on ghosts. Smile Please share.
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Sun 27 Jul, 2003 06:14 pm
I am not Christian. I might change my opinion if I were. I have had persons tell me personal stories of ghosts, with details that sound entirely plausible: 1. My boss told me her husband asked her to describe her dead first husband. She did and her husband told her he had just seen the man's ghost walk past. 2. My brother told me he was going through my mother's belongings a day or so after her death. He said that some of her things began to jump of their own apparent volition. Her ashtray jumped off a shelf onto the floor. These are two of countless examples. Nevertheless I do not believe there are real ghosts.
cicerone imposter
Sun 27 Jul, 2003 06:29 pm
Haven't you ever heard of the "holy ghost?" c.i.
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Sun 27 Jul, 2003 06:30 pm
Was that in Batman?
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cicerone imposter
Sun 27 Jul, 2003 06:48 pm
could be. my memory isn't all that dependable. Wink
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Sun 27 Jul, 2003 08:37 pm
I don't know about believing in ghosts, but I have a weird story that may be close.

When I was still in High School, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a basketball game on the TV or the Radio. I went downstairs the next morning to ask if anyone had been up watching a game from the [west] coast. The answer came up as no.

Was I dreaming, not sure. I have had some extremely vivid dreams (to the point that I sometimes wonder if I've entered a parallel universe of the night).
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Sun 27 Jul, 2003 08:40 pm
I am not Christian either, but you should listen to the E.V.P. recordings at www.ghostpix.com. They are scarier than the pictures.
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Sun 27 Jul, 2003 11:37 pm
I'm not a Christian either, but I do believe in ghosts, or spirits as some like to call them.
Mon 28 Jul, 2003 02:38 am
The ghost story was an important part of Christian tradition in the middle ages. Frequently these took the form of a visit from a departed person who warns of the pains the narrator will encounter in purgatory.
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lab rat
Wed 6 Aug, 2003 02:40 pm
Intriguing question, chemist. I am a Christian, and it is of course a key assumption in my faith that people have a spirit/soul that "lives" on independently of the body. Whether that spirit can reappear/manifest itself on earth is the real question, I guess.
I am a professional scientist (trained as a chemist, working as a research engineer) and generally believe that most people's ghost stories have logical, non-supernatural explanations. However, I can't deny the possibility that ghosts may exist in the physical realm. The Bible gives clear reference to angels and demons; it also refers to the ghost of Samuel being summoned by a witch at the command of King Saul (I or II Samuel, I think, but I don't have the exact reference).
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Wed 6 Aug, 2003 06:06 pm
christians believe that anyone who is not a christian is going straight to hell.
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Sat 9 Aug, 2003 03:59 pm
Only if he Is holy. Embarrassed
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Fri 29 Aug, 2003 10:31 am
hey christians don't believe in ghosts but we do believe in spirits. Well you've heard stories about ghosts and people being possessed and all that. I dont think that they are ghosts.. instead i think that they're just disturbed spirits. Spirits are everywhere around us. The Evil spirit and the Godly spirit. Well that is my opinion
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Fri 29 Aug, 2003 11:13 am
Many Christians believe in Angels so why shouldn't they also believe in Ghosts?

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Portal Star
Fri 29 Aug, 2003 12:36 pm
I heard of a poll on the news that said some 50% of adult americans believe in ghosts.

I think the appearance of ghosts holds a lot of information about the workings of the human brain than it does about the supernatural.

Cute picture, Lab Rat.
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cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Aug, 2003 12:40 pm
Never seen a ghost; not even in my dreams. Wink
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Tue 18 Nov, 2008 09:04 am
Wow, too many people say they aren't christian, why????? First, lets say the theory of heaven and hell are true. Wouldn't you want to live your life like there is a God/ Jesus so that when you die, you don't go to hell? But what if you lived life like there is no God, only to die and find out that God did exist and you should've did the things God expected of us. If you have lived your life like there is a God, and when you die, you find out there never was, well, what would you have too loose?? As for me, I know there is a God, I always believed in God, but didn't live like there was one, however, a year ago, I decided to give my life to Christ, only to find out he is very real, and so is the devil. God doesn't normally reveal himself to us until we begin to get serious bout him and begin to find the truth, the more we learn the more he reveals himself. Looking back at my life before I gave it to God, you couldn't give my all the money and power in the world to go back to a life without God. Everything they say about knowing God is true. One of the very first things he did for me, once I gave my life over to him and started turning away from sin, was that he delivered me from severe depression/ bipolar, and an opiate addiction. I've had these mental diseases since I was a young teenager. I have always been on mood stablizers, anti depressants, etc. Even being on these meds. I still had days where I couldn't get out of bed because of the depression, there was also days where I would wonder which way would be the most painless way to end my life. I started taking pain killers(opiate based drugs) because it gave me energy so I could work and take care of my children and it also made me very happy( when I was high on them). After 3 years of an addiction, naturally, I dug myself into an even deeper hole. NOt only did I have a chemical inbalance in my brain from the bipolar, but now the depression and sucidal thoughts were magnified when I couldn't get my drug. I was a wreck, I had just given birth to my 3rd daughter(yes, i did these drugs throughout my pregnancy, my dr. was aware of this, thank God she came out not only healthy, but very alert and smart!) I believe this was God's doing, as I prayed for a healthy baby every night in my last trimester. I was unable to be the mother and wife I needed to be with an opiate addiction, and bipolar. I found myself sobbing sitting on my bedroom floor(not wanting to live another day), screaming that if God is real, then please help me and I would give the rest of my life to him. That was a little over a year ago. My baby is now one, she is healthy, funny, and she is very bright. I am happier then I have ever been, not only is the depression gone, but I don't even take any medicine for it and haven't for the last year. I have also been clean since then. This is just one of the many things he has done for me. I always wondered if God was really real, but it wasn't until I started to seek him when I found out that , Yes, Amen, he is real, and his intentions are to be in our everyday lives, to guide us, correct us, bless us, speak to us, and protect us. For anyone of you who wonders if he is real, that is God tapping you on the shoulder wanting to have a relationship with you and wanting you to seek him and get to know him personally. For the ones of you who think this is all crap, I feel soooo sorry for you. I have been researching hell, and I wouldn't wish it upon my worse enemy. Alot of people will be going there, yes, even good people. It doesn't take a good person to get into heaven, it takes a God-fearing person to get into heaven. We all choose our own path, it is 100 percent our choice whether we go to heaven or hell, God doesn't send anyone to hell, he gave us free will, and in the end, it is ultimatly our decision. Don't be dumb and end up in a fiery-torment for eternity because you never took the time to do the research for yourselves. I hope this hits home for someone, even if it is only one person, It was worth sharing my story for. May God have mercy on you "non-christians".....
Fri 21 Nov, 2008 11:06 pm
Your God can get stuffed-- My God is more powerfull than yours and he says when your dead your dead, so live life, be happy and hope you live a long happy life-- so there.
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Fri 21 Nov, 2008 11:33 pm
As a believer in God, I can't say that I believe in ghosts. But then again, can't say that I don't. I leave room for all things spiritual and dismiss nothing.
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Sat 22 Nov, 2008 01:58 am
As a good Christian you should believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
If you as a Christian also believe we go to heaven and become angles who now and then protecs us and even appear in front of people, good ghosts so to say.
What´s then wrong with believing in bad ghosts if you are a Christian?
Being a Christian and believing in ghosts have nothing to do with one another.

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