Re: American paranoia?
Danish wrote:
Do you guys really think all Europeans hate USA? It almost sounds like someone is doing some propaganda work to prevent us all from liking each other too much.
Would like to see a lot of replies from you Americans.
I believe "hate" is not what many Americans think Europeans feel towards them. However, I personally do believe there are quite a few people in all other countries that are envious of what Americans have in the way of material goods, lifestyle (including a stable political system and economy), and the belief that Americans have a sense of superiority.
Also, many Americans live in regions/towns/suburbs/cities where the rest of the world is just not on their radar. They are interested in the mundane things, like local sports teams, local politics, local news, local shopping, etc. That's part of the beauty of America; we don't have to worry about another country invading us, so we have the luxury of living in our own comfortable part of the world.
Many Americans are deeply steeped in the American popular culture of music, tv, movies, hobbies, etc., etc.
Please don't make the mistake in thinking that many Americans are lamenting over any Europeans that may not love Americans. Don't forget, when a European meets an American, he/she is meeting an infinitesimal part of the American population, and a part that has a wanderlust. I believe the majority of Americans spend most of their lives in the 50 states, and are content with that. There is the somewhat obligatory post college trip to Europe for many younger Americans, but when that is over, I believe many return happily for a life in the States, enjoying the life that is here.
In my own opinion, American interest in Europe and the rest of the world is waning. Many Americans now vacation only in the States, I believe. The one country that might have a continuing interest for Americans, to a larger degree, is England. We do share a language, and our cultures are similar, and I personally believe that WWII was a bonding experience for the two countries.
Candidly, I don't care for Europeans and their continental ways. I'm sort of xenophobic, in that I just like Americans.
Lastly, why should anyone think the world dislikes Americans? It's the rest of the world that is learning (American) English. If Americans who speak English learn a second language in school, it is most likely Spanish, since that is becoming a second language in a few parts of the country. And, Spanish speaking Americans are just as American as English speaking Americans. What a lovely country.