That's a good point Jennym.
And the boycott thing just happened to Denmark recently as well... You probably heard about the Mohammed drawings?
People should really try to lighten up and to not take everything so damn personal. The whole Mohammed thing kinda shows that we like to make jokes about everything like I explained in my last post. I don't know the cartoonist but I'm completely sure it was never meant to make fun of Islam. It was just meant to make people laugh a bit... Nothing else. Not like we don't do jokes about Jesus in the paper as well. Strangely the Muslims in Denmark understood that and didn't make a big deal out of it at all.
If I criticize Bush it does in no way mean that I dislike USA or the Americans. It only means that I dislike Bush. I like USA in a lot of ways (Never been there though.) but of course there are negative things to say as well. The same goes for Denmark.
If I should mention a couple of good things about Denmark it would probably have to be the free hospitals, doctors and educations. That's an awesome thing to have if you ask me. On the other hand our car prices are insane and so is the price of a drivers license etc. In US Dollars it's around $2000 to get a drivers license. Hehe so there are some good things and some bad things about every country in the world.
A cool thing about USA is the size of it... You guys have just about every climate on the earth right there in your own country. Hehe
Oh and I like how Americans often help each other out if something bad happens... Too bad something bad has to happen first though.
Denmark and USA are very different in some ways and very similar in other ways. Denmark is probably one of the most peaceful countries in the world. We're a small country and the total population is only about 5.4 million people. We have no natural disasters at all, I have never even see a real gun... Ah that's not true. The Police has them. Hehe but other than that...
It all sounds very good but when you live here you sometimes wish for something new to happen. Hehe the news and papers can talk about the same stuff for a while cause nothing new and exciting has happened.
Just saw a news paper today mentioning a murder in Denmark... It happened in the other end of the country but still it's all over the news papers here cause it's such a rare thing. Now don't get me wrong... Of course I don't want more murders or anything like that but it can just be boring when you hear about everything else going on in the world.
That's also the reason I kinda decided not to go to USA even though it would be cool. Everything sounds so dangerous over there. Hehe we're not used to all that action everywhere. Our most dangerous animal is probably the fox... Or maybe the badger. Haha well actually it's most likely the dog.
The paranoid group should calm down though... We don't hate you guys at all and we're not terrorists or anything like that either.
We eat like you guys, we drink like you guys, we shower like you guys, we go to the movies like you guys, we play online games etc. and the vast majority of Danes speak English.
Oh, and we have Coca Cola, McDonald's, Burger King, Pepsi, KFC, Budweiser and all those things as well so don't worry. Most of the popular music and movies here are from USA so you won't feel completely lost if you ever go to Denmark.