US destroying Iraq with impunity

Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 12:42 pm
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 471 • Replies: 14
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Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 04:28 pm
"UN peacekeeping force" is a pitiful oxymoron. The blue helmets would be hunkered down as the islamofascists loot, burn, and explode.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 04:31 pm
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 05:05 pm
paull wrote:
"UN peacekeeping force" is a pitiful oxymoron. The blue helmets would be hunkered down as the islamofascists loot, burn, and explode.

Absolutely. A UN peacekeeping force wouldn't be able to quench the insurgency in, like, years. All they would do would be driving around Baghdad in armoured vehicles. If they were doing anything at all. Most of the time they would probably just hide in their safe UN peacekeeping buildings in, like, a "blue zone" or something, while thousands of civilians would be dying each month.

And think about all the scandals surrounding UN peacekeeping troops! Like, they would probably be going around and killing Iraqis and then raping their daughters, or something.

And think about the money. Billions of dollars, I tell you, billions of dollars, all poured into some phony peacekeeping action! And who would be paying for all of that? Hah!

And really, I mean, the UN are really just trying to force their course of action upon other countries. Did we ever elect UN as a world government? I don't think so. So how come they think they have the right to just send troops into foreign countries, eh?

You people just don't know how lucky you are that US is handling the situation....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 05:13 pm
I get the sarcasm, oldeurope. If you read the originally linked article all the way through you would have noted what I referenced. Part of the solution proposed by the "NGO's" was a UN peace keeping force. I only clarify this for the people, like you, who would rather write than read.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 05:16 pm
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."

You'd want "evidence" of moisture if Bush peed on your leg.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 05:57 pm
paull wrote:
I get the sarcasm, oldeurope.

I'm glad you did!

I read the article. I can't really say much about the idea, but neither would I dismiss it that easily. I've said a couple of times that I would be in favour of a UN peacekeeping mission to Iraq in a situation similar to the current one, but not caused by or an effect of American invasion.

I don't think that a UN peacekeeping mission would be less effective than what the US are currently doing in Iraq. Sure, the United Nations don't have a spotless record. But the US don't have one, either.

Part of the current problem in Iraq is that quite a number of people are opposed to, specifically, an American presence in the region. In that regard, a UN mission would maybe not be such a bad idea. And using UN troops from Muslim countries maybe wouldn't be such a bad idea, either.

Let me give you an example: in Liberia, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the first elected female head of state in Africa, specifically requested female UN troops (India has been sending a contingent). Under the Charles Taylor regime, systematic rape campaigns under the police and military forces had been a daily event.

Under the transitional government, the police has been disbanded and is now being rebuilt, recruiting exclusively female officers, who are now being trained by UN troops. The result so far is that the population has regained a lot of confidence in an institution that is supposed to guarantee their safety.

The Lebanon would be another example. Both Israelis and the Lebanese had at least some kind of trust in the countries that (reluctantly) committed UN troops to the region. And so far, the ceasefire has lasted.

And that's one of the main problems with Iraq: people don't trust the institutions there. On the one hand, a lot of people hate the Americans. On the other hand, they cannot trust the Iraqi police, the Iraqi Army or any of the militant factions either.

In such a climate, I don't think it's reasonable to expect something like a democratic process to occur.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 07:00 pm
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
snood wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."

You'd want "evidence" of moisture if Bush peed on your leg.

Your comment doesn't constitute the evidence (not proof) I asked for, but suggests that you cannot offer one single shred of evidence that the theft of Iraqi oil by America is taking place. In debate, asking for evidence to back up very specific claims of wrongdoing is standard, not some improper trick.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jun, 2007 07:12 pm
great post, oldeurope. From now on I will know I am engaging with a thinker rather than a kneejerker, and that is not sarcastic.

The UN has terrible problems with command and control, and the commitments from individual countries of troops are pitiful. From 1992 until 2003 there were reasons and opportunities for the UN to follow through on the original sanctions against Iraq. It is clear to me now that they were not followed through with because France especially, and other parts of old Europe, as well as India, China, and Russia, were co-opted because of financial reasons, ie, stealing oil. The UN appearing now would be the dictionary definition of too little, too late, imo.

The result so far is that the population has regained a lot of confidence in an institution that is supposed to guarantee their safety.

This refers to female UN troops. At best, this is in its infancy. As a somewhat average male, steeped in my boyish culture, I would be amazed if this works on any continent. We will see.

Your disparagement of of US troops, ie, hiding and raping, was clearly made to add to your point. No problem, we all embellish. Being literally correct in an instance does not necessary support a broad point, as you know.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jun, 2007 09:40 am
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."

Don't have to listen to me. Just watch Rep Kucinich video.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Stealing Iraq's Oil "Is a War Crime!"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 04:54 am
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
Zippo wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."

Don't have to listen to me. Just watch Rep Kucinich video.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Stealing Iraq's Oil "Is a War Crime!"

Well, he sounds very sincere, however, privatizing Iraqi oil, a condition that exists with the oil of most democracies, does not constitute stealing Iraqi oil. I have still seen no evidence whatever of theft.

Also, when I tried to learn more about the Hydrocarbon Act he referred to by Googling the term, I found that it is mentioned only on anti-war sites, and could not find a single instance in which it was described in a straight news article of an ordinary newspaper, which is very odd.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 06:55 am
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."

Don't have to listen to me. Just watch Rep Kucinich video.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Stealing Iraq's Oil "Is a War Crime!"

Well, he sounds very sincere, however, privatizing Iraqi oil, a condition that exists with the oil of most democracies, does not constitute stealing Iraqi oil. I have still seen no evidence whatever of theft.

Also, when I tried to learn more about the Hydrocarbon Act he referred to by Googling the term, I found that it is mentioned only on anti-war sites, and could not find a single instance in which it was described in a straight news article of an ordinary newspaper, which is very odd.

I can't believe this but you're absolutely right. I can't find anything either. (only bloggers)

Well done Brandon, good investigating. (people here should be taking you more seriously). I just assumed Kucinich was right, didn't think about checking it up.

Well i guess Dennis Kucinich cannot be trusted about this 'Act' that is.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:10 am
Re: US destroying Iraq with impunity
Zippo wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
Zippo wrote:
US destroying Iraq with impunity

June 19, 2007

The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq's current ills.
The 117-page War and Occupation in Iraq reveals that the US has established broad legal immunity in Iraq for its military forces, for private security personnel, for foreign military and civilian contractors, and even for the oil companies doing business with Iraq and that no matter what crimes the Coalition commits, Iraqis now or in the future face legal barriers if they seek accountability...


"Spreading democracy", American-style: doesn't it make you feel great!?!?!?

Why is it that you never offer evidence for any of the claims that you make? For instance, I would like to see some evidence that we're "stealing Iraq's oil."

Don't have to listen to me. Just watch Rep Kucinich video.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Stealing Iraq's Oil "Is a War Crime!"

Well, he sounds very sincere, however, privatizing Iraqi oil, a condition that exists with the oil of most democracies, does not constitute stealing Iraqi oil. I have still seen no evidence whatever of theft.

Also, when I tried to learn more about the Hydrocarbon Act he referred to by Googling the term, I found that it is mentioned only on anti-war sites, and could not find a single instance in which it was described in a straight news article of an ordinary newspaper, which is very odd.

I can't believe this but you're absolutely right. I can't find anything either. (only bloggers)

Well done Brandon, good investigating. (people here should be taking you more seriously). I just assumed Kucinich was right, didn't think about checking it up.

Well i guess Dennis Kucinich cannot be trusted about this 'Act' that is.

Hmmmm...didnt expect this act of goodwill and sincerity from you. I guess you never can tell about people. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:04 pm
Well, i've deleted many blog links from my I.E favourites. They've been proven to be unrealiable too many times. Laughing
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:56 pm
Apparently, the Law has not been released to the public by the Iraqi government. It seems to have passed the Iraq Cabinet, though, and was referred to Parliament.

It has been leaked in February by Kurdish interests, and you can find the draft version on the website of the Kurdish Regional Government. It's a 33 page PDF document.
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