Well, Bucky did another good deed, educating the ignorant on how to post photos.
-----running very fast which I seem to be doing a lot of these days--->
Hey, Soz...You're a Survivor fan, right?
Survivor Wisconsin
Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Wisconsin is planning to do its own, entitled "Survivor-Wisconsin Style."
The contestants will start in Milwaukee, travel up to Sheboygan and on to Manitiwoc and Green Bay. Then they will head over to Wausau and up to Rhinelander and Minoqua. From there they will proceed up to Ashland and Superior. Then back down through Rice Lake, Eau Claire and all the way down to Madison and back over to Milwaukee.
Each will be driving a pink Volvo with Illinois license plates and a large bumper sticker that reads "I'm a vegetarian. Bratwurst clogs your arteries. The Green Bay Packers suck. Go Bears! Cheese is high in cholesterol. Hillary in 2004. Deer Hunting is murder and I'm here to confiscate your guns!"
The first one that makes it back to Milwaukee alive wins. Good luck to all contestants.
Ah...There's nothing like a good interstate rivalry to get the old blood pumping. Gottagoseeyabye.
ossobuco wrote:I still don't know what his graduate studies are in
Probably the philosophy of chasing cars, digs holes under bushes to keep cool, pooping in the choicest spots and licking himself
PS-Last I checked, it was
University of Oklahoma #1
It's a little bit early for that kind of talk, BillW.
At least until the next poll comes out D'art
As I've told many people already, until the first game is played - everyone is #1
hehehe, like the bumper stickers
Did y'all notice what that sneaky canine did?
He left at the appointed hour, there was much wailing, gnashing of teeth, and tearing of hair, then he poked his nose back in, and we all were like whoops! he's here after all! carry on, then, and THEN he faded away completely, ever so quietly and inconspicuously. Hmph.
(I thought he'd appreciate the cloaca/ platypus/ beaver dude over in the "Gay Clergy" thread.)
(Wait, maybe he IS the cloaca/ platypus/ beaver dude!! Hmmmmmmmmmmm....)
Not I, I swear. That stuff is far too brilliant to have come out of my little pea-sized (I'M NOT A POD) brain. I can barely even follow along with it.
Mad City bound, you say?
Why, that's just a hop skip and a drunkenstumblejump up the road!
How goes the move? You must be actually in Madison by now. Here's $20... go to the farmer's market this Saturday A.M. (the A bus'll take you right there if you don't want to walk or ride your bike), and get a bunch of beef jerky (the flat kind is best), apples, cheese, cider, and a mess of flowers (for the gf) and bring 'em back to your new place. My housewarming gift. (The best kind -- I provide virtual money, you do the legwork.

Ah, Patio. Sure will miss you.
Hey, anyone know about the outage in the NE US and Canada? come back
Patiodog~ Tell me what you look like so when I'm in Madison I'll know ya when I see ya.
Swimpy, check out littlek's site -- links on the Seattle gathering thread -- pics there of patiodog.